Heaven over Essex Marsh

Heaven Over Essex Marsh
Heaven Over Essex Marsh

This is a spot I’ve visited a number of times, just waiting for the perfect view to photograph.  One morning I really didn’t want to get out of bed at 4am but I knew a storm had come through the night before and the cloud cover might be interesting so I dragged my butt over to Essex and wasn’t disappointed!  Of course I got there and the sun hadn’t started to rise yet…it was just cloudy and grey, but it’s amazing how in a span of 15 minutes a scene like this can unfold before your eyes.   This is one of my favorite photos of last year and a 16 x 20 canvas print is one of the prints available at the Art at the Schoolhouse this weekend so stop by!  Thanks to James and Anna at Cape Ann Giclee for their expert printing of this canvas!

Saucer Magnolia and Another View of the Mabel Burnham House, Essex

Burnham House Essex MA Magnolia ©Kim Smith 2014Mabel Burnham House, Essex 

Saucer Magnolia ©Kim Smith 2014No group of trees and shrubs is more favorably known or more highly appreciated in gardens than magnolias, and no group produces larger or more abundant blossoms.” ~ Ernest “Chinese” Wilson, botanist and plant explorer

Do you have a favorite flowering tree? If I  had to chose just one, which would be very, very difficult because I LOVE all flowering tress, it might just be the Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia soulangeana). But ask me again when the dogwoods are in bloom! I would love to know what is your favorite spring blooming tree. Write in the comment section and let us know. And send a photo, too, if you’d like. Thanks!

Saucer  magnolia ©Kim Smith 2014Global climate change is causing extremes in weather worldwide. The horticultural problems created by a spring cycle of freezing-thawing-freezing temperatures are only going to increase. The gardener’s best defense is to plant species that can withstand these new horticultural parameters. I find the Saucer Magnolia, which blooms later than the Star Magnolia, a much better choice for New England gardens, where spring is fleeting at best and tree blossoms are often quickly ruined by frost.

Magnolia Burnham Houes Essex MA ©Kim Smith 2014

dsc06526Joey’s Marsh View of the Burnham House, Essex, at Dawn

Fall at the Historic Burnham House, Essex, MA photo From Len Burgess

While taking some photos of the Burnham House a bank of clouds came up from behind me and proceeded over the house and within a few minutes they completely evaporated while heading out to sea.
–Len Burgess
