Storm Update From #GloucesterMA Chief Of Police Len Campanello

Hi Joe,

Here’s an update:

Due to the ongoing storm and blizzard conditions, a snow emergency remains in effect until 1pm on Wednesday, January 28th. Parking is banned on all City streets until that time. Violators of this ongoing declaration are subject to ticketing and towing at the owners expense. Municipal and School lots will remain available to residents until Wednesday, January 28th at 1pm at which time they are to be removed.

The Governor of Massachusetts has issued a travel ban which remains in effect at this time for our area. Please stay off the roadways until it is safe to travel.

Gloucester Public Schools will be closed on Wednesday January 28th and all City offices will be delayed in opening. All City offices will open and resume business at 10am Wednesday January 28th.

All residents are reminded that they are responsible for clearing snow from sidewalks adjacent to their property. Shoveling snow into the public street may result in a civil penalty being assessed. Your cooperation during this emergency is necessary for efficient and safe snow removal efforts. Also, please make every effort to shovel out fire hydrants at our near your homes.




Leonard Campanello

Chief of Police

City of Gloucester, MA

Cape Ann Staying in the North East Groove

01/27/2015 1533 3:33PM Current Conditions

Wind from the North East is on a long fetch across the Gulf of Maine. Even though Cape Ann is to the west of the highest wind velocity the waves roll out of that groove into Cape Ann.
Wind from the North East is on a long fetch across the Gulf of Maine. Even though Cape Ann is to the west of the highest wind velocity the waves roll out of that groove into Cape Ann.

That wind is holding the highest snowfall belt directly over Cape Ann. This belt is static as the low creeps north.
That wind is holding the highest snowfall belt directly over Cape Ann. This belt is static as the low creeps north.

Hight tide at 4:58PM

Blizzard Blast: Old Garden Beach, Rockport

Brrrrrrrr.  Here’s some video footage from Old Garden Beach in Rockport along with some pics of the homes nearby. With a break in the snow and the plows slowing down, I ventured to the end of my street.  It is a short walk, but a coooold one today.  Mind you, it was not high tide, so the worst of it is yet to come.

The frozen salt water is beautiful albeit a menace to the ocean front homes. The price you pay, I guess.

It’s On!

Bring it, co-workers.  It’s on!

I’m kidding.  Kind of.

Several of my co-workers and I have been challenging, taunting, supporting, pushing, and heckling each other…all in good fun…and for a good cause. Sadly, I don’t mean a good cause such as a charity, but I mean a good cause like our own mind, body, and soul well-being.

Armed with our Fitbits (literally) we’ve been conducting Work Week and Weekend Challenges to see who can clock more steps….hence, burning more calories each day/week.

The Fitbits are tons of fun…even if they count steps that aren’t necessarily exercise oriented.  Honestly thought, for this group of overextended teachers, that’s part of the charm.  While the main goal is to accumulate “active steps” through actual exercise, we all take full advantage of simple things too.  We make trips to the copier at the end of the hall on our own… rather than sending a student. We go to the art room for supplies ourselves…rather than asking a child. We walk to the front office to ask a question…rather than simply calling them on the phone.

More than those little tasks, the friendly challenges have definitely kept me on my game with actual exercise during the past couple of cold weeks too.  I’m fairly competitive, but I don’t force myself to go out for a run after work because I want to win per say, I go because I’m in the challenge and to not step up and play means ignoring the efforts that others are making to participate.  So, I’ve been making time to run for myself, but also to be a productive part of the challenge.

Those of us participating in the challenges are between the ages of 35-45, most are mothers, all are teachers, some actively participate in sports, some don’t, some are morning people, some are night owls, some shorter, some taller, some with big goals for health, some with smaller, all are hoping to simply feel healthier.

It has been funny to watch each other’s progress.  Some get to exercise in the morning and start the daily challenge running (literally again), others are able to fit in some type of work out during the day and might suddenly take the lead, one may be late in the polls and then will soar to the top after playing a late night soccer game in an adult league! I’m lucky to fit in a run in the early evening if a) both boys have hockey and go with my husband or b) neither boy has hockey and my husband is home to watch them. So, we’re all over the place…and that is one of the things that makes it fun.

This evening I was laughing because a co-worker (who happens to be the mom of two young girls) and I were “neck and neck” for a solid couple of hours. During those hours, I was busily folding laundry, changing linens on bunk beds, packing lunches, emptying out hockey bags, etc.  It was safe to assume she was at home gaining steps by doing very similar activities.

The Fitbits do more than track steps and exercise.  They also, if you choose, will track sleep patterns, water intake, calories consumed, calories burned, and exercise routes if out for a run/walk.

So, if you find yourself looking for a simple way to get motivated this winter, get yourself a Fitbit, challenge some friends, find a routine that works for you….and get going in your own little (or big) way!

Check out Fitbits here!

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