Joe "The Animal" Barboza Baron, Thachers and Straitsmouth Islands and long distance ocean swimmers

Adam Bolonsky submits-

Mitchell Hsing and Isabel Brachmann, grad students at MIT (who said only nerds go to MIT?) recently swam the perimeter of Straitsmouth Island from Gap Head in less than 25 minutes. Their coach Bill Steele and I escorted them in kayaks.

Fish tacos afterwards at Cape Ann Brewing Company!

Here’s a video clip. You can clearly see Twin Lights at Thachers and Straitsmouth Island light in the background:

Straitsmouth swim

Joe “The Animal” Barboza was flown to Thachers Island each night by helicopter in the late 60’s while testifying against the New England mob. When Barboza’s cover at Thachers was blown, federal marshals moved him to a house on Eastern Point.

Picture 9Picture 4

Barboza was gunned down a few years later in Southern California.

This was back in the day when the Coast Guard radio station at Gap Head was still in operation.

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