Saucer Magnolia and Another View of the Mabel Burnham House, Essex

Burnham House Essex MA Magnolia ©Kim Smith 2014Mabel Burnham House, Essex 

Saucer Magnolia ©Kim Smith 2014No group of trees and shrubs is more favorably known or more highly appreciated in gardens than magnolias, and no group produces larger or more abundant blossoms.” ~ Ernest “Chinese” Wilson, botanist and plant explorer

Do you have a favorite flowering tree? If I  had to chose just one, which would be very, very difficult because I LOVE all flowering tress, it might just be the Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia soulangeana). But ask me again when the dogwoods are in bloom! I would love to know what is your favorite spring blooming tree. Write in the comment section and let us know. And send a photo, too, if you’d like. Thanks!

Saucer  magnolia ©Kim Smith 2014Global climate change is causing extremes in weather worldwide. The horticultural problems created by a spring cycle of freezing-thawing-freezing temperatures are only going to increase. The gardener’s best defense is to plant species that can withstand these new horticultural parameters. I find the Saucer Magnolia, which blooms later than the Star Magnolia, a much better choice for New England gardens, where spring is fleeting at best and tree blossoms are often quickly ruined by frost.

Magnolia Burnham Houes Essex MA ©Kim Smith 2014

dsc06526Joey’s Marsh View of the Burnham House, Essex, at Dawn

4 thoughts on “Saucer Magnolia and Another View of the Mabel Burnham House, Essex

  1. Very Lovely, Kim !
    Please don’t concern yourself with “Climate Change”, Earth has been changeing since day One.
    Realy enjoy your presenations !


    1. Yes, William, Earth has been changing since day one, but not at the extraordinarily accelerated pace of today. In the past, as changed occurred gradually and over millennia, plant and animal species were able to adapt and evolve. Species went extinct at the approximate rate of 1 to 5 species per year. Today the rate is closer to dozens daily. Our planet is now experiencing the worst species die-off in its history and not due to any natural phenomenon such as an asteroid, but because of human kinds seeming inability and unwillingness to recognize the problem and employ long-term solutions.
      There is undeniable evidence and a plethora of information available to support the facts.


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