Saucer Magnolia and Another View of the Mabel Burnham House, Essex

Burnham House Essex MA Magnolia ©Kim Smith 2014Mabel Burnham House, Essex 

Saucer Magnolia ©Kim Smith 2014No group of trees and shrubs is more favorably known or more highly appreciated in gardens than magnolias, and no group produces larger or more abundant blossoms.” ~ Ernest “Chinese” Wilson, botanist and plant explorer

Do you have a favorite flowering tree? If I  had to chose just one, which would be very, very difficult because I LOVE all flowering tress, it might just be the Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia soulangeana). But ask me again when the dogwoods are in bloom! I would love to know what is your favorite spring blooming tree. Write in the comment section and let us know. And send a photo, too, if you’d like. Thanks!

Saucer  magnolia ©Kim Smith 2014Global climate change is causing extremes in weather worldwide. The horticultural problems created by a spring cycle of freezing-thawing-freezing temperatures are only going to increase. The gardener’s best defense is to plant species that can withstand these new horticultural parameters. I find the Saucer Magnolia, which blooms later than the Star Magnolia, a much better choice for New England gardens, where spring is fleeting at best and tree blossoms are often quickly ruined by frost.

Magnolia Burnham Houes Essex MA ©Kim Smith 2014

dsc06526Joey’s Marsh View of the Burnham House, Essex, at Dawn