Party Pics from the 6th Annual Art Haven Buoy Auction and Family Fun Night

Congratulations Art Haven for an Absolutely Fantastic Event!!!

David Brooks and His Mom and Dad

_DSF8045_DSF7998_DSF8077_DSF8088See More Photos Here:

_DSF8109_DSF8017_DSF8034_DSF8086_DSF8127_DSF8130©Kim Smith 2014

11 thoughts on “Party Pics from the 6th Annual Art Haven Buoy Auction and Family Fun Night

  1. Looks like a good time had by all! “Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable.” -Mahatma Gandhi
    😉 Dave


      1. Yes indeed put in a room all as babies or younger no issues with mostly anything as they had nt learned any of those things yet! 🙂


  2. I love this sort of event and post. Knowing you can not measure the great value of this community event from painting the buoy to hanging the tree to selling the buoy but does anyone have a tally of how much money this sale contributed to Art Haven? I was a wonderful process to follow.


    1. Thank you Mary.

      Cruiseport was packed with with kids, moms, dads, and friends and it was tremendous to see. I would love to know the answer to that–I am sure it was wonderfully successful.


  3. Hi Mary
    Thanks for your question. Last night we raised more than $6200 from the sale of buoys, artist buoys and buoys auctioned off live with Senator Tarr. It was not a record breaking fundraiser, but it we were off the charts in terms of FUN raising! We were thrilled so many families came out on a cold night the end of January and had a great time together. While the funds certainly help, we are most proud being an organization that brings out the best in our community.
    And we did just that.
    Rebecca Borden
    President, Cape Ann Art Haven


    1. Thank you so much Kelly for your comment, very much appreciated. I hope the photos reflect just how sweet and awesome an event and how much fun everyone was having. So many smiling faces!


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