Rambling Endicott, Cordage, Social Media, The Hook

(Click video and read my four minute post.)

Every time I drive past the Endicott exit on Route 128 on the way to Cape Ann this song by Kid Creole and the Coconuts runs through my brain. So much so that most times I have to annoy passengers (even Stella) by singing the chorus badly.  But now, a new twist. On Friday, I turn off on Endicott and go to West Marine. Why? Because they send me an email on Thursday telling me what is for sale. Last week, 50% off boat hooks! This week, 40% off cordage!

The Point: If I had a shop on Cape Ann that wanted to pull me in every week and lighten my wallet, send me an email! Or Refresh your Facebook Page with a Special every week. If it’s a good special people will “Like” your page. If Three Lanterns had a special, “Fishing Lures 30% off this Saturday only!” I would be there. If it’s a special on Rubber Ducks, I’ll post it here!

The Pointless: I bet that if you listened to that whole song, it’s less than four minutes long, you would sing along with Kid Creole too as you drove onto the Cape. It never fails to put me into a Tragabigzanda state of mind.

I’ll never be, I’ll never be, Endicott! Drives Sue and the dog crazy. LYRICS HERE! There will be a test.

A post without a duck? Not a chance. Here is a slightly over exposed rubber duck waiting for sunrise.

3 thoughts on “Rambling Endicott, Cordage, Social Media, The Hook

  1. Excellent one Paul!! Duckie is a must pointing out the views right? 🙂 Much better than what has hit us the past two days not fit for man or beast out there!


    1. Great video. Love me some coconuts. The closest I got to seeing them was January 6, 1986 when I saw them live on the Today Show. (I think I may have watched the Today Show about three times in my life.) The song was an earwig until the google got good enough to search. I could not remember Kid Creole’s name but I did remember Endicott. I think it was going past that exit all summer in 1986 that made it stick. Since then just enjoying his videos on the internet.

      The earlier Coconuts were a bit freaky. And I wanted a yellow Zoot Suit. (Had a white linen one for a while, hard to keep clean.)

      Bu there’s nothing that I could do … oh yeah!


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