Gloucester Fishing Throwback- 1983 Scott Swicker, Hussey and Tuffy Fishing Wooden Lobster and Crab Traps Off An Old Wooden Novi Boat

Photos from Tuffy

If you don’t think those old wooden lobster traps weighed a whole hellova lot more than today’s wire gear then you don’t know much about then and now lobstering.


Look how skinny Swicker was back then…


With Thanks and Appreciation to Our GMG FOBS and Commenters

Gloucester Harbor City Hall sunset ©Kim Smith 2013

To our readers who drop in often, to our readers who drop in occasionally, to our commenters, and to all our FOB’s ~

A Heartfelt Thank You!

Thank you for stopping in to visit and thank you for your thoughtful and much appreciated comments and feedback throughout the year. Wishing you all the best in the coming new year!

FREE Coastal Dog Swim Suit To The First Five guys Who Send An Email and Are Going to Participate in The Rocky Neck Polar Plunge


Hi Joey –
Hope you are well and that your Christmas was great!
Steph and I would love to be a part of the new Years Day plunge, except we are too sissy to actually get in the water at this time of year! So, the next best thing is – we’d like to offer a FREE Coastal Dog swim suit to the first five guys who send an email to Steph. Once we get the email we’ll ship you a suit in your size.
What do you think? Can you let your readers know about this offer? They can email Steph at:
And it should be sooner rather than later so she can overnight the suits to them in time for the plunge. The suits will come in lovely shades of blue and red to match the skin tones of the loonies who go swimming in winter in New England!
We only ask in return that each winner of the free suit send us a photo of themselves in the suit post plunge. And they need to know that although Coastal Dog suits are meant to keep you from chafing at the beach, we can not do anything about shrinkage.
Thanks Joey – And Happy New Year!

This is for You!

pre new years party

This is the last weekend of the Rocky Neck Holiday Art & Fine Crafts Festival, Saturday and Sunday from noon to 4:00PM with a Pre New Years Party from 2-4:00 on Sunday, December 29.  After all the rushing around and shopping for family, friends, and others, this is your opportunity to get something nice for yourself.  Our Pre News Years party will feature bubbly and snacks, and will be a celebration of a great holiday festival and year of wonderful exhibits and programming at the Cultural Center.  Please join us.

And don’t forget the Rocky Neck Plunge on New Year’s Day 2:00 at Oaks Cove Beach with a warm up after party at the Center.  Great fun, whether you plunge or not.  Don’t forget to bring some non perishables for the Open Door Food Pantry collection.

E.J. Lefavour

TONIGHT…The Grits & Groceries Orchestra will be performing at Minglewood Tavern in Gloucester (9-mid). It is the holiday weekend folks and it’s the last gig of the year for the band….so come on out for a few cocktails and enjoy the sophisticated sweet soulful sounds of GGO…..Happy New Year!!!

grits groceries



Making their debut tonight!

Grits & Groceries Orchestra is a MA. based group that performs Blues/Soul/R&R music that will get you jumping, swinging and rocking! Robert Lyons (tenor sax) Charlie O’Neal (guitar) John Anthony (bass & vocal) Jim Zaroulis (keyboards) & Kemp Dunn (drums)


25 Rogers St,

Gloucester, MA 01930

Sista Felicia Got Flocked By The Carls!



Last night while cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, my husband Barry heard a ruckus outside and peeked out the window…to find  a sea of pink flamingos hanging out on our front lawn…. Flocking Hilarious!


This note was tapped to our front door…


A few days go I dropped off a box of Italian Cookies to my friends “The Carls”, as a thank you for their special treat they had me “Flocked!” Thank Carl & Carl….I very much appreciate your kind gesture, and I’m thrilled to be apart of this wonderful Fundraiser…Hummm… who shall I shall I flock?????????????

If you are interested in flocking someone contact Team Hoyt


A Tribute to Alice May Curtis, 1871-1961

I own 4,000 of Alice M. Curtis's original negatives, and other material.  Born in Gloucester in 1871, Alice passed away in this city 90 years later. In this self portrait, she's reflected with her tripod in her dresser mirror. I think it's about time I published this photo and gave her some credit. She photographed ordinary things, such as her friends' gardens and indoor arrangements. In the future, this will be invaluable documentary coverage of how people lived at that time.
I own 4,000 of Alice M. Curtis’s original negatives, and other material. Born in Gloucester in 1871, Alice passed away in this city 90 years later. In this self portrait, she’s reflected with her tripod in her dresser mirror. I think it’s about time I published this photo and gave her some credit. She photographed ordinary things, such as her friends’ gardens and indoor arrangements. In the future, this will be invaluable documentary coverage of how people lived at that time.

Neil Gaiman Quote of The Week from Greg Bover

December 26, 2013

“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.
So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.
Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it.
Make your mistakes, next year and forever.”


Neil Gaiman (1960-    )

Although English by birth, Gaiman now divides his time between residences in Menomonie, Wisconsin and Cambridge, Massachusetts. He first rose to prominence with his graphic novel series The Sandman, and has continued to produce best sellers in science fiction, fantasy, young adult and children’s genres, including Anansi Boys, Good Omens, and American Gods, as well as screen plays such as “Stardust”, “Neverwhere”, and “Coraline”. He is the winner of the Hugo, Nebula, and Bram Stoker Awards and the first writer to have won both the Newbery and Carnegie Medals for the same work, The Graveyard Book. He is married to the controversial musician and performance artist Amanda Palmer, founder of the Dresden Dolls.

New Year’s Rockport Eve 2013 looking for volunteers

New Year’s Rockport Eve is looking for volunteers. We need a pair of greeters at every door to check buttons, workers in Spiran Hall to sell buttons, souvenirs & food on Dec. 31st as well as people to help set up & clean up the night before & day after. Each volunteer willing to give 2 hours or more receives a free admission button. Please call 978-559-1263 or email to volunteer. Visit to see the performance descriptions under Events. — Headquarters at Corner of Broadway & School St, Rockport, MA.


Claire Franklin

New Year’s Rockport Eve Coordinator
