Gloucester Fishing Throwback- 1983 Scott Swicker, Hussey and Tuffy Fishing Wooden Lobster and Crab Traps Off An Old Wooden Novi Boat

Photos from Tuffy

If you don’t think those old wooden lobster traps weighed a whole hellova lot more than today’s wire gear then you don’t know much about then and now lobstering.


Look how skinny Swicker was back then…


8 thoughts on “Gloucester Fishing Throwback- 1983 Scott Swicker, Hussey and Tuffy Fishing Wooden Lobster and Crab Traps Off An Old Wooden Novi Boat

  1. Now these are the one’s I remember and pulled by hand outside of lanes cove dad had 10 pots 61-62 toward pebble beach If I remember going toward plum cove beach also. Many folks set along the breakwall and a little farther out. “Everyone had there areas staked out then and you did not want to intrude on that be told first time to pull up and move, second time may may not be so lucky and just find you’re pot and buoys on rocks or just maybe a buoy only cut…Also went out with other friend then and they brought some in left them in Lanes Cove I believe they called it a “Car” a storage po?t – I am sure everything has changed now some 48-49 years later 🙂


  2. Very interesting glimpse of the “good old days!”. I used to have one of these wooden traps in the garden, but it desintegrated over the years …I am sorry I did not keep it in the living room !
    The souvenirs shop used to sell miniatures of the traps, maybe they still do ?
    Thank you for the photos .


  3. That summer was amazing! I was the “greeny” priveleged to have joined those guys lobstering that summer. I’m Tuffy’s brother Kyle. I certainly learned a lot in a short 2 months. Those guys are “the balls”!!!! Besides being drop-dead funny (Anchorman kind of funny) they sure knew how to lobster. What work horses – they certainly taught this 17 year old a thing or two about solid work ethic.
    Hats off to the crew of the Dewayne C. – you guy are awesome!!!

    P.S. – that was one cool boat 🙂


  4. Great photos–thanks for sharing Tuffy! Can you or Joey please identify who all is in the photos?

    Which traps hold up best–wooden or wire? Were there any pros to wooden over wire?


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