Feast of St. Joseph Film Project Update

St. Joseph Day Altar ©Kim Smith 2013 copyDear Community,

An update on the progress of the St. Joseph’s Day Film Project ~

Last year I wrote the script for our community documentary film about how Gloucester families celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph. We spent the month of March filming in your welcoming homes with your beautifully decorated altars and sharing your special stories and traditions. I wrote at that time, tremendous thanks is owed Felicia for coordinating the visits to her friend’s homes and for opening her home and family to filming during their preparations and celebration. Special thanks goes to Sefatia for coordinating the trolley tour and to her family for sharing their stories. Tremendous thanks goes to all the families for their generous hospitality and for embracing the project, including the Orlandos, the Ferrantes, the Groppos, the Silvas, the Canovas, the Scolas, the Russos, and many more.

St. Joseph Trolley Party ©Kim Smith 2013

Following filming in March, I have spent the past months filming what is called B-roll, which is very important because although not the primary action that takes place, B-roll gives a documentary a sense of place, and Gloucester is a very special and beautiful place.

Spring, summer, and autumn are the very busiest time of year for my landscape and interior design business. That being said, we are blessed that the best time of day to film is in the very early dawn hours and later hours of the day, which means I have been able to capture many scenes around Gloucester before my work day begins and at the tail end of the work day. I log and transfer all the footage at the end of each day and  make time to create little mini-films, which also helps to organize the B-roll.

Ciaramitaro Family and Friends St. Joseph 2013

Larger projects, such as the St. Joseph Day Film Project and butterfly life story documentaries that I am creating, take much, much greater chunks of time to edit and these projects I save for working on in January and February, when business traditionally slows. I cannot emphasize this enough–big projects require huge chunks of time to edit; huge chunks of time I simply do not have until after the holiday season.

So if you have been wondering about our beautiful community project, know that I am eagerly looking forward to editing the film this winter. Know too, that another challenge to overcome is film distribution. There is no point in creating a beautiful documentary about our community and not have the knowledge on how to best distribute the film.

I hope this clarifies any questions that you may have. If not, please feel free to contact me at kimsmithdesigns@hotmail.com or through the comment section of this post. Thank you!



4 thoughts on “Feast of St. Joseph Film Project Update

  1. Very nice Kim thank you! 🙂
    In true friendship, you are never required to surrender your character or your dreams for approval.


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