20-Minute Kitchen-to-Dinner Table Special

Honey Lemon Chcicken -3 ©Kim Smith 2013JPGMy sister and I were pregnant with our oldest children at the same time and we were both working full time; she, cooking at a restaurant in the San Francisco Bay area and I was designing clothing in Boston. She had a great idea for a cook book (that I imagine has been done many times by now!), where no dinner could take longer than twenty minutes to prepare and cook because most nights that is just abut all the time we had to get dinner on the table. We had lots of fun sharing recipes and every time I make my Honey Lemon Chicken, I think of her. My family loves this recipe throughout the year and when Felicia posted her fabulous Pasta with Chicken Broccoli and Creamy Cheese Sauce it occurred to me that every household must have a family favorite 20-minute special. What is your family’s tastiest and most favorite easy dinner, from kitchen to table (it can take a minute or two longer)? Send in your recipe and we will post here on GMG. No photos needed (but gladly accepted), just your family’s endorsement!

20-Minute Honey-Lemon Chicken 

1/3 C honey

1/3 C olive oil

¼ C pitted black olives, oil-cured or the seasoned variety

1 or 2 lemons, washed, and cut into ¼ inch slices, halved

S & P to taste

Fresh or dried thyme, if you have on hand, not really necessary

1 lb chicken tenderloins

Honey Lemon Chcicken ©Kim Smith 2013

Into a medium-sized bowl, slightly squeeze juice from the lemons and then toss the lemons into the bowl, along with the juice. Add the rest of the ingredients, except chicken, and stir until honey and oil are well incorporated. Add chicken and stir (about two minutes prep time). While stirring, heat 1-2 tbs. olive oil in a skillet. Toss all into the skillet. Cook over medium heat about 8-9 minutes on one side, stir the lemon, honey, and olive mixture in the pan and turn the chicken tenderloins; continue cooking another 8-9 minutes. I like to leave the chicken in the pan for an extra minute, until the honey caramelizes and turns deep brown however, the chicken will very quickly become over cooked if left in the pan too long. Kids and husband never tire of this dinner!

Honey Lemon Chcicken -2 ©Kim Smith 2013

7 thoughts on “20-Minute Kitchen-to-Dinner Table Special

  1. One of my favorites is the chicken – I sure like the wings (Favorite) – but it’s all good…brought back memories of the oldied but goodie by Rufus Thomas Jr. R& B (Funky Chicken) 1970 #5 he also walked the dog …His music got you upbeat – just like the chicken will 🙂


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