I Would Like To Personally Torture The Crap Out Of The Inventor Who Designed Cold Capsule Packaging



What kind of psychopath designed cold capsule packaging?  What type of punishment would be enough payback for this rotten bastard?

They should create a new sport at the Olympics- line up a bunch of sick people and see who can get the goddamn capsules out of the packaging the fastest.  We can watch people get frustrated and snap while trying to get them open.

Old people must go apeshit trying to get these little fuckers free.

Somewhere the inventor who undoubtedly got paid bazillions of dollars coming up with the concept is laughing an insidious laugh knowing the pain, torture and humiliation he inflicted upon the world with his diabolical cold capsule packaging patent.

I picture him like Vector in Despicable Me vying to be the world’s number one villain.-



16 thoughts on “I Would Like To Personally Torture The Crap Out Of The Inventor Who Designed Cold Capsule Packaging

  1. I hear ya…loud ad clear! .it pisses me off too. Most recently I purchased new brushes for my oral b electric toothbrush…same f..ing packaging. Wtf!


  2. Totally concur here right ball corner pocket – they safety-proofed everything by the time you get it open, which when you feel bad not the time for this, could be over the cold or flu. 🙂


  3. When you find the dirty bugger find out if it’s the same guy that designed the small print on the little bottles of shampoo, conditioner and what all else that motels supply for the shower. You’ll know ’cause he has 10/10 vision.


  4. I hear ya! I’ve used knives, my teeth, poking, ripping, etc. I always give up and have to hunt for my scissors and then I usually cut one of the pills open by mistake!!!


  5. And its not just medication, which you can kind of understand so kids can’t get into it, but it is everything packaged like what is inside is incredibly valuable or dangerous – try to open a cereal bag without blade knife or scissors in hand.


  6. Thank you for making me laugh, unfortunately at your expense, but it really is so true, but love your perspective!


  7. I shared your comments with my friends on FaceBook and got this response..”It has to do with MVTR moisture vapor transmission rate so they don’t dry up, too bad. You have to wreck your teeth to get at ’em.” Remember it has to do with “moisture vapor transmission rates” Clear as mud, right?


  8. I was a geriatric nurse .Many of our pills were packaged like this individually! Imagine.. having.thirty people needing multi meds which I had to open like this !!! YES! arthritis and carpal tunnel set in quickly !!!


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