Pre-order The First Good Morning Gloucester DVD- This Is Gloucester

Here it is, the order form click to get on the list
I’ll put a permanent tab up at the top for easy access.

Here is a low res version Beth Swan designed DVD jacket.  Pretty snazzy don’t you think?


and here is the artwork for the DVD-

The magenta colors won’t be there, it’s only there for the art department when they press them.


I can’t help but think that this will be an easy peasy Christmas gift decision for people who love Gloucester and what we do here on GMG.

The goal was to make a DVD which you could show people and blow them away with stuff that they have never seen before.  Especially cool are the mutant lobster and marine life videos on the larger screen.

As a Christmas or Hanukah  present it’s a no-brainer.  Small size, easy wrapping, totally unique, totally Gloucester, easy shipping, perfect price point- $20.

This will be the perfect gift to have a couple wrapped and in the front hall closet for when those people stop buy with a present for you but you didn’t think to get them one- you have a couple Good Morning Gloucester DVDs all wrapped up in the closet and ready to go!

No brainer, right?

They will cost $20 for 1 Buy 5 and get 1 free, buy 10 and get two free.

Huge thanks to Dan King for the background music for the DVD menu and The Joey C’s Gloucester at Dawn Slideshow, Adam Bolonsky and Sam Hartson’s Greasy Pole Footage and Beth Swan for Designing The DVD Artwork.

I’ll be donating 5% of the proceeds from the sale of this DVD to The Saint Peter’s Fiesta to rebuild the Greasy Pole.

21 Chapters in all-

  1. ReplyGloucester at Dawn Featuring Music By Dan King
  2. 2011 Friday Greasy Pole
  3. 2011 Jr Womens Seine Boat Champs Donna Del Mare
  4. 2011 Saturday Greasy Pole Featuring Footage From Adam Bolonsky & Sam Hartson
  5. Building The 2011 Greasy Pole Shrine
  6. Down The Fish Hold Of The Sanfilippos Captain Domenic
  7. Gloucester Zen 6/3/11 Good Harbor Beach at Dawn
  8. Why I Love Gloucester Interviews
  9. How Your Lobsters Were Harvested- Aboard The Trapper John
  10. Blue Lobster Landed In Gloucester By Lobster Boat The Connemara Bay
  11. Lobster Molting In Real Time At Captain Joe and Sons
  12. Monkey Balls or Sea Squirts -European Invader Ascidiella Aspersa
  13. One Inch Baby Lobsters Filmed and Released
  14. Rare Golden Sea Robin Landed Videotaped and Released
  15. Triple Pincer Claw Lobster
  16. The Back Shore 3/16/10
  17. Salting Herring At Cape Seafoods
  18. Gloucester Zen 6/3/11 Good Harbor Beach at Dawn
  19. Lobstermen Matt and Mark Ring Prepare A Trawl For The ’11 Season
  20. Fontana Family St Joseph Novena 2011
  21. Ferrante Family St Joseph’s Novena 2011

Here’s a screenshot of the DVD menu-

What do you think?

2 thoughts on “Pre-order The First Good Morning Gloucester DVD- This Is Gloucester

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