The CBS Boston Most Valuable Blogger Everything Else Category Rant

As many of you know (and I swear I don’t want to be obnoxiously asking for your votes every two seconds) Good Morning Gloucester, our blog is among the 30 or so nominees for Boston’s Most Valuable Blogger in the Everything Else category.

It’s a great honor and it’s all because of our contributors and community who send in material as well as comment on posts and/or help out with the latest foolish plans we may be concocting to dominate the world.

I don’t want this to come off as a plea for votes but I just now had the time to click through the other nominees on the list and out of the 30 or so, there really IMO are only about 5 that belong there.  I’m not even saying GMG deserves the top spot (although in my mind it does) but I could see how someone could vote for Adam Gaffin’s excellent and oft updated Universal Hub

What I cannot understand is how there are some nominees in the category that hardly ever even update or may only update once a week.  There are some nominees that have a total of three blog posts for the whole month of August.  We bang that out by 8AM on any given day.  So if you have time and see some of the other nominees even in the same category that we are nominated in, look through and at least vote for some blog that cares enough to maintain the thing.

I would tell you that there are some local Cape Ann blogs that I would put up over at least 60% of the nominees in the contest.

Anyway I truly am appreciative to whoever nominated us in the first place and I hope that if we don’t win that someone that puts in the time and energy that we do, does win.

Thanks for your support…end rant

23 thoughts on “The CBS Boston Most Valuable Blogger Everything Else Category Rant

  1. I totally agree and I checked out all of your competition! You guys are simply the best and you RULE in the area of number of posts per day! Even an obsessed fan like me finds it hard to keep up with all of the awesome content.


  2. Joey – post that ‘one click vote’ link everyday on your blog. I totally want to give you a vote everyday but I’m too lazy and crazy everyday to remember! I just clicked today – and will click again tomorrow if you make it just that easy! thanks – GMG deserves this!
    Mandy M.
    Essex Ave. Gloucester


  3. Joey, I agree. I faithfully vote every day, and to be fair, and also because I was curious, I did visit every other blog in your category. I have read universal hub since before you started GMG, so I agree it’s pretty good. But, I was also a little surprised at some of the other nominations. I hate the redlline was funny at first, but got old fast; also the dog one – i know there are dog lovers out there, but how much can you read? okay, the too many books his dad reads caught my eye, but again, kinda boring. I can’t even remember anything about the other ones to comment on them. I hope people vote only after visiting all of the blogs – the others just dont compare to the content, variety, humor, etc. if so, GMG should win by a landslilde! Keep up the good work!


  4. That’s not a rant – that is rational evaluation of GMG vs other blogs out there. And I think anyone who subscribes to GMG would have to agree, it has no competition. There just is no other community blog out there anywhere like Good Morning Gloucester, and I don’t say that as a contributor, but as someone who recognized that months before I even moved here.


  5. I don’t even read any other Boston area blogs, but I don’t have to–I know that GMG is the best! The frequency, interest, humor, photos, service and pleasure that the blog delivers pushes it to the top as far as I’m concerned.


  6. no better blog period….you’re absolutely right joey,no one puts time and effort into a blog (or community) like you and your contributors. GMG is #1 either way!


  7. I’ll vote because I just love the contributions of PAUL F.. FRONTIERO JR. ‘Art Rocks’, the brainchild of creator and artist PAUL F… FRONTIERO JR., bring so much joy to the world. PAUL F…. FRONTIERO Jr’s photographic skills are beyound compare. PAUL F….. FRONTIERO Jr’s video-graphic contributions are award winning to be sure. PAUL F…… FRONTIERO Jr’s paintings will surely be in museums all over the world some day and last but not least the respect that PAUL F……G. FRONTIERO Jr shows to Joey deserves a vote!


  8. I live in Washington state and this is the way I keep up with Gloucester. Keeps the longing to sit on the rocks in Lanesville and watching the waves crash. I feel like i go to Gloucester every day. You got my daily vote.


  9. AAIGH. I can’t f’ing believe the blogs you are trailing. WTF??!! I will HOUND minor acquaintainces to get on board before these (completely respectful of their content and authors, btw…) LAME-O drivel streams take the prize.
    Jeez. Who knew we were living in these kooshy-armchair-at-the-expense-of-real-life times…You can’t relax for a minute!


    1. Trailing? I didn’t know the results are being shown. I’m thankful for any of you who are voting for GMG based on the merit of our work but I would tell you that if you feel there is a better deserving blog then vote for who you believe to being the best. If we win I’d like to think it’s based on merit. And thanks so much to those of you who believe in our team and make GMG what it is. 🙂


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