Oh NO! My 9:00 post is LATE!!!

dark sky beachAs I was picking up my kayak a couple of days ago, the smell of Stinky Beach reminded me how much I loved this place. Wading through mounds of seaweed in bare feet and dodging the rocks was a way of life as a kid. Still is. I remember my first attempt with my friends to row a tiny “borrowed” boat that I think, was my cousin Dickie’s. We went around in circles for hours. Kid life in Magnolia!

8 thoughts on “Oh NO! My 9:00 post is LATE!!!

  1. Magnolia lovers – check out Oceanside Evening, October 10! Appreciate your posting, Sharon.
    The Magnolia Historical Society
    invites you back to the Days of the Magnolia Grand Hotels for an
    “Oceanside Evening”

    Reminisce with old and new Friends; Enjoy History, Wine, Desserts, Coffee, Tea & Laughter! Casino Wheel of Fortune and 50/50 Raffle!
    Learn about Magnolia, our homes, our former grand hotels and more!

    Step into this portal of Magnolia history:
    Oceanside Evening
    Saturday October 10th
    7 to 10 pm
    Magnolia Library Center, Magnolia
    Come help us celebrate what makes Magnolia great!!

    Lisa Ramos, author of “Magnolia: A Brief History”, will present an informative program along with her panel of Magnolia experts, James Cook & Fran Hines.

    Reservation tickets are $15 for members,
    or save and purchase two tickets for just $2O!
    Non-member tickets are $20, or buy two for just $35.
    Join the Magnolia Historical Society today and save!
    All tickets purchases are tax deductible!
    Reserved Tickets Available at Magnolia Library Center,
    Magnolia Historical Society, from any board member
    or by calling: 978-525-3603
    Or you may mail check to P.O Box 5551, Magnolia, MA 01930.
    We’ll have your reserved tickets at the door. Walk up tickets also available.
    Hope to see you all there!


  2. my beagle max’s favorite spot to roll , the stinky seeweed is the best thinks him 🙂 can someone going to this event please give lisa ramos a hug for me and tell her wacko shawn loves her and misses her boy’s. thank you, shawn cromwell


    1. Hey Shawn!
      I’ll be seeing Lisa this week. Sean goes to the preschool where I’m working and Stanley’s in kindergarten now at West Parish. I’ll give her a hug for you and send her your love.


  3. C an someone going to this event please give Lisa Ramos a hug and tell her Wacko Shawn said he loves her and misses her boy’s . thank you, Shawn Cromwell


  4. Thanks Sharon, Lisa and ,Mike are great people. and i LOVE those boy’s to death. it’s nice out here in AZ. but i sure do miss magnolia. I am so happy lisa’s book is doing good . she is a nice woman and sure love’s her boy’s. their getting so big. stan the man is a computer wizz, and my buddy sean is a great kid. I sure miss those little buggers. thanks for saying hello, we dont stay in touch enough. Shawn


  5. Sharon, I too grew up in Magnolia and now live in California. I miss the ocean and small town warm memories. Thanks for all the pix that make me feel closer to home!


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