GMG Power Rankings

I’m gonna do a GMG Power Ranking feature.  This is all for fun and jest so don’t get all bent up and twisted if I don’t feature you right away if you’re a regular contributor.

I also won’t include myself in teh power rankings as that would be obviously lamo.

#1 in teh GMG Power Rankings is the girl who I first brought aboard.  My very own Robin Quivers- loyal, dedicated and passionate for Gloucester- The one and only Sharon Lowe.

I brought Sharon into the fold shortly after meeting her at last year’s October Block Party.  She had her Nikon slung over her shoulder and was snapping away.  I had a very brief conversation with her that night but felt an instant connection as to what GMG was about and what I wanted it to be.

At the time I was putting out about 6 or 7 posts a day and winter was approaching.  I knew I’d be going on my vacations in Naples and was fretting how I’d be able to maintain the quality.  The blog had already taken off and I didn’t want to let the growing fan base down.

Sharon stepped up initially with one post a day and before long I gave her editorial control and another time slot, the 9AM and the 12PM.

Before long she came up with the very popular Where Zat? game every Monday at noon.  Her contributions have been invaluable and I can always count on her to cover her two posts a day.  If she’s going to miss a post time she’ll also let me know so I can cover it for her.

If I had to put out 12 posts a day I could never keep the quality you’ve come to expect without contributions from all of our team but Sharon is the one constant that I can count on every time.

So give Sharon a shout out and a big congratulations on her #1 GMG Power Ranking.

Keep in mind if she starts to fuck up she will be knocked right out of that #1 spot as the list will be static and ever changing.  More power rankings in the days to come.

6 thoughts on “GMG Power Rankings

  1. Terrific first choice! Sharon is a definite “one-of-a-kind” …. as are you, Joey. You and your team are what keeps GMG interesting (creative), off-beat, humorous and fresh — and the best site around.


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