The Greatest Present For The Money Period.

I’m going to tell you the very best way you could spend $50 for a present.

Read on and find out how a mere $50 could give a gift of hundreds if not thousands of hours of enjoyment, fitness, open air excitement on Gloucester Harbor and a boat slip.

$50, seriously.  $50.


For $50 you can buy someone you care about a yearlong membership to the Gloucester International Dory Goup.

What does it get you?

Membership is $50 for 1 year, and runs January to January. Membership includes use of committee dories, loaner equipment, and race and committee event invitations. To become a member, download the membership form here.

All year long the person you give this gift to can go down to Saint Peter’s Marina, hop on a dory and cruise around Gloucester Harbor.  Damon Cummings rows just about every day.  $50

It’s not just for buff 20 year olds.  There are kids, seniors, men , and women participating and they all have a blast.

A boat slip would cost you at the very last twenty times that.  To buy your own dory (even a used one) you are talking about 20 times that.  You don’t even have to maintain the boats (although you’d probably want to help out)  but there are plenty of folks to pitch in to keep them maintained.

Then there is the incredible tradition of The International Dory Races, that you could be a part of.  A real conection to Gloucester Harbor which others pay way more for. 

So there it is.  I told you what to do.  What are you waiting for?  Here’s the link to get you started-

Or email Jimmy Tarantino at 

Tell em Joey sent ya.

Click here for Cathy Tarr’s Dory racing Slide Show To Get an idea of how much fun you can provide in a gift for $50

Advice- Do Not Go To The Mall Today

As you are probably aware, the mall and shopping up the line are ridiculous right now.  We just got back from BJs where we buy our diapers and wipes for Snoop Mad and it was ridiculous.

If you have to go, you have to go.  But if you just need a present for someone there really is no need to drive up to the mall to get one.  There are plenty of great places to shop downtown.  Hell, even if you plan on getting gift cards as presents you can buy them at Stop and Shop.  Gift certificates to restaurants are great gifts to buy and easy to wrap and you can get those locally too.

There is great working mans outdoor clothing at Nelsons.  Sporting goods at Palazolla’s.  Women’s wear at Seasons, Cormorant Shop, First Impressions, The Black Swan and other joints.   There’s gifts at Stone Leaf, Pisces, The Black Swan, Bubbles, The Art Room, Harbor Goods, The Dress Code, The Magic Scarf, Menage Gallery, Present and a whole bunch of other places.  Then there’s books at Dogtown Books and The Gloucester Bookstore.  There’s Art at the local joints, jewelry from the folks around town like Beth Williams, Candy Marshall, and Jacki Ganim-Defalco.  You could get gift certificates for spa treatments at any of the salons like Deborah Coull, Headlines or Mattys or Lauras or Salon one, and others that escape me.  If I forgot anyone don’t hesitate to write me and I’ll add to the list.  I’m just banging this out off the top of my head.

Trust me on this one.  I guarantee you can find gifts right in downtown Gloucester, save gas money, avoid the crowds and fighting  the taffic, and have fun doing it- right here in Gloucester.

Hell a bottle of booze is a great gift and you can get that at The liquor Locker or Seabreeze liquors.  There is absolutely no reason to go fight that madness out of town right now unless there is a specific gift that our downtown doesnt carry but I bet if you just thought about it you could easily do all your holiday shopping right downtown and be happy about doing it.

I know this so mch that I’ll personally guarantee it.  If you go downtown to shop and are not satisfed I’ll  refund to you triple the current subscription price to GMG.  THAT’S HOW CONFIDENT I AM!  Now get to it!