Coveted Yarns On East Main Street

There is a warm aura in this joint with couches and chairs.  Certainly a community aspect as you can hang out and joing the knitting revolution currently taking place in Gloucester.

Extended Holiday Hours:
Mon – Thurs 10:00AM – 9:30PM
Fri 10:00AM – 4:00PM
Sat & Sun 10:00AM – 5:00PM

GMG Sticker Shows Up In Encinitas With Squigs

Hey Squigs, Have I told you how much I appreciate the pics?  I do!  For anyone out there that would like to come by the wharf I still have some Gloucester Stickers that would make excellent stocking stuffers.  All I ask is that you do just like Squigs did and send in your pics in cool locations.

Coast Guard Station And Inner Harbor From Cape Pond Ice

I know I’ve probably said this a bunch of times but if you click on the picture and then select “all sizes” you can see any of the pics in full size and in greater detail.

Monthly Subscriber Drive- Spread The Love

Do you enjoy this blog?

Are you one of the people that say they make it part of their routine to check it throughout the day?

Do you have family across the country or world that might enjoy seeing what is happening in Gloucester?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then I ask you to spread the news about the blog. The response and average daily hits have been climbing exponentially thanks to people spreading the word about it.

I ask if you dig what we’re doing here then to copy this url-

Copy (right click and select copy), then paste it in an email (right click and select paste in an email message box) and share it with friends or family that may not know about it.

If you haven’t already, then bookmark the blog so you can easily access it or better yet subscribe (it’s free).

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It’s been a labor of love and real fun to meet some of the folks on the street that say how much they look forward to the regular updates.

If you think it’s worthy of sharing with others, please do so.

Thanks, Joey

Cape Pond Ice Martini Funnel

This Martini Funnel breaks down to three pieces the top, bowl, the stem, and the base.  The Vodka or Gin gets poured in the top of the bowl and whooshes down through the ice into your glass (in the beginning of the night when everyone is behaved) or mouth(at the end of the night when everyone is hammered).

Cape Pond Ice Martini Funnel, originally uploaded by captjoe06.