Emmanuel Church Open Christmas Eve

The Episcopal Emmanuel Church in Manchester will be offering two services on Christmas Eve. The Family Service at 4:00PM and the Communion Service at 6:00 PM. This is a small (small!) but beautiful church usually open in summertime and sometimes for special occasions.  Services are held in the summer every Sunday from June through September at 10:00 AM. The Church is located on Masconomo Street in Manchester.


Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve

The British are Coming!

Actually, they already came, but that was the tagline for a wonderful concert given by the Choir of St. Mary’s, Maldon (Essex, UK) at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Gloucester on Monday night.  It was one of a series of events that are being held at St. John’s in honor of the church’s 150th anniversary. The choir was composed of 16 people, plus the director, Colin Baldy, and a 15-year-old organist who both accompanied the choir and played solos on the church’s Fisk organ.

_Choir overview DSC08847


_Willy the organist with Mark and the altos DSC08841

Their repertoire included pieces ranging from the 16th century to the present. I think my personal favorites were “Rejoice in the Lamb”, by Benjamin Britten, and “O Thou the Central Orb”, by Charles wood.

If you missed the concert, you can still hear them sing! The choir has videos on Youtube and CDs for sale on Google Play.

Other future musical events at St. John’s include their 150th anniversary Solemn Evensong on Sunday, October 6 at 4 pm, featuring the Parish Choir singing works of Vaughan Williams. The 25 anniversary concert of the Fisk Opus 97 at St. John’s is on Sunday, May 18 at 4 pm, featuring Thomas Baugh of Roanoke, VA, playing works of Bach, Franck and Gershwin. Both programs are open to the public and include receptions following.

Matthew Green