Dogtown news

Consideration of Dogtown for National Historic Register failed to pass last night 2 to 6 (and one recused).  1623 Studios (formerly Cape Ann TV) films city council meetings so if you missed the meeting you’ll be able to catch it there.

This just in from Lisa Smith: “1623 Studios recorded last night’s City Council Meeting, which had a hearing about Dogtown, and it will air on Channel 20 on Saturday at 1pm and 11:30 pm.” Once 1623 Studio edits, they’re uploaded to its youtube channel here. 

And here’s a link to Ray Lamont’s coverage in Gloucester Daily Times posted on line now and in print tomorrow.

Dogtown detail google maps
detail from satellite view Google maps – blue dots indicate photos for some Babson boulders relative to (red circles) O’Maley, Applied Materials, Babson museum, watersheds, whale’s jaw

Twentieth century gift to the city by Roger W. Babson

Babson Reservoir and Sanctuary 1931 dedication plaque Gloucester MA photograph 20160810_©catherine ryan
BABSON RESERVOIR AND SANCTUARY [eleven hundred and fifty acres] commemorative plaque 1931 “This reservoir, watershed and reservation are for the people of Gloucester, the land having been given in memory of my father and grandfather who roamed over these rocky hills. They had the vision that some day it should be conserved for the uses of the city and as an inspiration to all lovers of god and nature. Roger W. Babson”

a few prior Dogtown posts-

April 28 Annual Dogtown day – ribbon cutting and some reasearch results

Oct 2017 there was a public presentation about an archaelogical consultation and information about historic designation: Before Dogtown was Dogtown

March 2017 What if…a section of Dogtown brush was cleared away? Summit by Essex County Greenbelt & Mass Audubon at Cape Ann Museum 

Proposed building plans Sawyer Free Library, City Hall…Whoa! In the news plus the 1973 appeal led by Joseph Garland, universal access, and archives

“No finer place for sure, downtown.”

“Fate of historic buildings uncertain” Gloucester Daily Times, Ray Lamont, Jan 3 2017

Seeing double? Yes, you’re supposed to. The Sawyer Free Library addition was designed to mirror Cape Ann Museum as a balanced and nuanced architectural symmetry in deference to City Hall, and catalyst for a graceful city civic center.

Cape Ann Museum, December 2017

Sawyer Free Library has announced a public meeting January 11th for discussions of a new building. (See the flyer at the end of this post.)

City Hall may have some upcoming construction on the Dale Avenue side as well.

Both projects are largely in the name of accessibility of a physical nature. Can they be cost effective, worthy of our history and culture, protect our significant buildings, and address current and future needs? The following are some of the issues, local coverage, links to resources, and archival material for your interest.

NEW LIBRARY 2016. And 1973.

Before the current 2015-16 library outreach, the library hosted extensive visioning sessions throughout 2013. I went to a couple, and I was invited to take part in a focus group (on schools and the library.)  A completely new library and jettisoning of the historic Saunders library building was not an expressed community value. What were some common discussion points? A strategy for digitization of historic archives and newspapers, more staff, more hours of operation (Sundays), better bathrooms, parking issues, air conditioning, electrical work, maintenance, security, maximizing technology/ content access with schools, ditto Cape Ann TV, and attendance (see this great video from Lisa Smith by kids for kids ) were some goals that were mentioned.

So it was a surprise to see the unveiling of new architectural renderings that did not showcase the Saunders house. It’s like the White House not featuring the White House. I think the Saunders house should be key and central to any building overhaul, not tossed aside. Providing universal access should preserve the intended awe factors if there are any, FOR EVERYBODY–such as the architectural details, proportion, welcoming entrance and unique heritage of a historic building. In this proposal, with Saunders severed there is zero physical access to the main event. What a missed opportunity. And for a library. What do you think?

Today’s paper mentioned that the Saunders house could be used for other purposes instead of the library. Why can’t that be the case and the library maintain its #1 asset? The downtown cultural district (which is not going forward in the same capacity) and other organizations could use the library meeting spaces. Do we really need to conjure up another stand alone endeavor?

Back in 1973, the Trustees of the Library began a fund drive for the new library addition; the city of Gloucester paid 2/3. As the Library’s General Chairman, Joe Garland led that campaign. Not surprising, the text of the brochure is a good read! The architect was Donald F. Monnell. (In 1971 Monnell was quoted in the papers speaking about the attributes of Central Grammar.  One likes him more and more.) The population served was 27,000–nearly what it is today.

Awesome design  on this 1973 brochure for the fundraising campaign for the Sawyer Free library– led by the Joe Garland (cover). See photos of complete pamphlet
See “Preserving our Civic Center,” great letter to the editor by Prudence Fish, Gloucester Daily Times, December 23, 2016

Working together


2016 Planning term and movement- “Scaling Up”

A quip about the concept of Scaling UP that I remember from a conference this past September at Peabody Essex Museum and hosted by Essex National Heritage was to “think about the farm not just a barn”; in this case a downtown, or an entire city and region. I like thinking this way in general–architecture and planning, art, and schools. But this conference pushed me to add overlays beyond my areas of expertise or focus like wildlife and waterways. Gloucester, Cape Ann, Massachusetts–there’s so much! Mayor Romeo Theken is committed to working together and feels that planning is important and broad. One example, see Gloucester Daily Times Dec 19, 2016 Officials: City to Prioritize Its (competing) Needs 

City Looks to Prioritize its Needs, Gloucester Daily Times, Ray Lamont, Dec. 19, 2016

There are several looming questions, evaluations, and decisions.


Every era has choices. The prior library expansion plans began well before 1972. Possibilities swirled as they do now. (Back then, Central Grammar was also in the news, may or may not have been razed, and possible uses favored senior housing, commercial development, an annex to City Hall, and a courthouse police station.) Today there are competing building needs and uses floated for properties as diverse as: the Cape Ann YMCA on Middle Street, the post office on Dale, the Gloucester Fire Department, police headquarters, St. Ann’s, and the elementary schools–and that’s just to name a few. Let’s celebrate enviable architectural strengths, and not fuss with buildings that should be venerated, unless it’s to help them be accessible and healthy. Let’s get the balance right.

HISTORY MAKING PLEA- Archives for all

The prohibitive costs of best practice historic preservation (ADA compliant, temperature and humidity controls, security, sustainability, in house scanning/OCR/audio transcription, etc) is impossible for all the worthy collections in town, and pits them as foes when vying for funds. Let’s flip that impediment on its head and make Gloucester a model for the state.  Its treasures would be available worldwide if they were truly accessible –digitized.Two words may help accomplish this goal and free up cash for individual operations: shared overhead. It’s one hope I continue to stress–the need to share necessary resources for a state-of-the-art research and warehouse repository. This universal hub should be large enough to encompass any holdings not on view. There could be a smaller downtown central site combined with a larger off site location, such as at Blackburn. The list of sharing institutions could include and is by no means exhaustive: our municipal archives that date back to 1642; Cape Ann Museum; Sawyer Free Library; North Shore Art Association; Beauport; Hammond Castle; the Legion; Amvets and other social clubs; Sargent House; several places of worship; Gloucester Daily Times; Annisquam historical building collections; Lanesville; Magnolia’s historic collections; artists/writers estates; Veterans office; our schools; Isabel Babson Memorial Library, and perhaps businesses such as Cape Pond Ice and Gortons. The library plans don’t appear to retrofit their site(s) for this goal.

If incentives and policy supported neighborhood character over less generic construction collages51

that would be wonderful.  It’s not just Gloucester.


Continue reading “Proposed building plans Sawyer Free Library, City Hall…Whoa! In the news plus the 1973 appeal led by Joseph Garland, universal access, and archives”

Before: Awaiting Gloucester Lobster Trap Menorah

at Temple Ahavat Achim, 86 Middle Street, Gloucester, MA. It would be the third year for this tradition.Upcoming TAA event: movies and Chinese food December 24th at Cape Ann Cinema & Stage.



Lisa Smith of Cape Ann TV won a national award for her report on Gloucester’s Giant Lobster Trap Tree and Menorah which will soon be linked on the Gloucester HarborWalk marker #32 for the temple.

The new building was designed by Maryann Thompson. Learn more about her design.

She was part of a fantastic symposium at Cape Ann Museum this year. I’ll add that link, too.



WOW AND DOUBLE WOW!!! Check out this special edition of the Superintendent’s Corner as Dr. Richard Safier, Alex Corbett, and Telena Imel take us on a tour of the new West Parish Elementary School. This video was created by Lisa Smith and Becky Tober for Cape Ann TV.

The West Parish Elementary School open house for the West Parish community is on Thursday, August 25th. The entire Gloucester community is invited to tour the school on Sunday, August 28th. 


Featuring chefs Niaz Dorry from the Northwest Marine Alliance, Mark Delaney from Common Crow, and David Gauvin from Addison Gilbert hospital.

NEW VIDEO: Gloucester’s Giant Lobster Trap Christmas Tree and Menorah

Wonderful new video from Lisa Smith and Becky Tober, Gloucester’s Giant Lobster Trap Christmas Tree and Menorah ~ Celebrating the Holidays Gloucester Style featuring David Brooks, Jim Dowd, Avery McNiff, Jill Wach, our Joey, and many more!!


Lisa Smith from Cape Ann TV submits:

Links to Access Gloucester Election Debates Online and Other Election Information
Cape Ann TV has Gloucester Election Debates Online. They are on Cape Ann TV’s website, on the video page, go to: then go to: Playlist: ‘Gloucester Election 2015’. The most recents debates are at the top of the list and we are continually updating and adding debates, and more will be added later this week.
Here are links to the most recent debates:
Mayoral Debate hosted by Glosterity,Oct. 21, 2015:
Mayoral Debate hosted by the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce Oct., 20, 2015:
Gloucester City Council Debate (At-Large & Ward Councilors) on Arts & Culture Oct. 14, 2015:
School Committee & Mayoral Debate in Lanesville;
Mayoral Debate on Arts & Culture II, Oct. 2, 2015:
We also have online the presentation from the Gloucester Board of Health about the Ballot Question on Water Fluoridation. This presentation wants to keep adding fluoride to the Gloucester City Water Supply. The opposing side, which wants to stop the addition of fluoride to Gloucester City Water, is presenting their side tonight at the Sawyer Free Library, and Cape Ann TV will have that presentation online on Saturday.
Here is the link to the Gloucester Board of Health’s presentation “The Science Behind Water Fluoridation” on Oct., 19, 2015:
Cape Ann TV has covered three other debates held this week: two Debates by the Gloucester Daily Times(Mayoral, At-Large and Ward 3, 4  and 5 Councilor) and last night’s Lanesville Debates (At-Large and Ward 4 Councilor), these debates will go online later this week.
Cape Ann TV’s Gloucester Candidate Forum with statements from the Mayoral, city council and school candidates will go online tomorrow.
Cape Ann TV will also cover the election live from Gloucester City Hall on Nov. 3. The Election Coverage begins at 8pm on all three of our Channels: 12, 20 & 67.


Congratulations to Lisa Smith, celebrating tens years of her dedicated service to the Cape Ann Community. Lisa has not only been the producer, director, and content creator for thousands of hours of Cape Ann community service through her work at Cape Ann TV, she has also taught countless members how to use the station’s recording equipment and how to edit. Thank you Lisa for all that you do for our community.

Happy to beat the traffic, I caught the end of the celebration and was able to get this quick snapshot before the remaining guests headed home.

Lisa Smith Cape Ann TV ©Kim Smith 2015

Please Join Us in Celebrating Lisa Smith’s 10 Year Work Anniversary at CATV!

Please join us in celebrating Lisa Smith’s 10 Year Work Anniversary!

Lisa continues to be the heart and soul of Cape Ann TV and deserves some recognition for a decade of hard work!

Come celebrate Lisa with us on:

Friday, October 16th from 4-6p.m.

Please RSVP to Becky at


Esther Mathieu livmatt_06-20-2015-256 (1)Perhaps you are planning a wedding or special event in the coming months. Our daughter Liv Hauck and Matt O’Rourke, married on June 20th, wanted to share about the talented people who helped make their dream wedding come true. From caterers Dan Allen and Andy Maitland to Esther Mathieu Photography, everyone involved did an outstanding job. We wish to express our most heartfelt thanks to all and thought the best way to say a big thank you to each was to provide contact information and a brief description about their businesses.

Olivia & Matt 6-20-15

Invitation by Shaina Gregory

First and foremost, our tremendous thanks and appreciation goes to Dan Allen Catering. He, along with partner Andy Maitland (Maitland Mountain Farm), prepared an exquisite menu using the most freshest and sweetest ingredients from local farms and fisheries. The theme was New England clambake meets county dinner, based around everyone’s favorite main courses—Ken Duckworth’s sublime recipe for lobster risotto and a wonderfully delicious buttermilk fried chicken. Captain Joe and Sons provided the lobster and the fresh vegetables came from Maitland Mountain Farm, as well as from Appleton Farms. Even the honey butter for the cornbread came from Dan’s own beehives! We were all raving about how delicious and unique were the hors d’oeuvres, which included such tantalizing tidbits as open-faced braised rib sliders, smoked tomato roasted corn arancini, and salmon canapés with mascarpone, capers, and fresh dill. Accompaniment dishes were devoured as equally as were the main courses and hors d’oeuvres—traditional clam chowder, farm fresh succotash, and homemade pickled vegetable—to name only a few.

Esther Mathieu livmatt_06-20-2015-437

Son Alex’s Heaping Helping


Dan’s assistant Mary made the divinely delicious desserts—raspberry tarts, brown butter chocolate chip cookies, brownie layers—the list goes on and on!

Dan and Andy were an absolute dream to work with. I know you will be hearing more about their catered events in the near future. Dan is in the process of launching his website and in the meantime, he may be reached at 978-491-9493 or

Esther Mathieu is simply the most talented life style photographer in our region. Liv first became interested in Esther’s work from her Instagram account and we all fell in love with her luminous imagery. And she is a total sweetheart to work with! The photos are a treasure and we’ll be pouring over all, thanking Esther for capturing Liv and Matt’s wedding day with such grace and beauty. Contact Esther at:

Our deepest thanks to Lisa Smith who was our fabulous videographer. Lisa is a producer at Cape Ann TV and is also a dear friend. We so appreciate her time and talent. Lisa was discreet; you would hardly know that she was present. We’ll be looking at the footage in the coming days and can hardly wait to see. Lisa can be reached at: 

Like a dream, the enchanting music floating throughout the evening was by none other than Cape Ann’s own beautiful songstress Renee Dupuis and the fabulously talented Joe Cardoza and Nathan Cohen. From the sweetly romantic, “Dream a Little Dream of Me,” to which the bride and groom danced their first dance, to one of the bridesmaid’s favorites, “These Boots Are Made For Walkin,” there isn’t a song Renee, Joe, and Nathan could not play, and play beautifully. Could we have been more fortunate than to have these extraordinary talents performing at Liv and Matt’s wedding? Click Renee, Joe, and Nathan to learn more about their current projects. To book the trio, contact Renee at:

Esther mathieu livmatt_06-20-2015-302

Melissa Glorieux of Aster B. Flowers created the exquisite bride’s bouquet, bridesmaid bouquets, and table arrangements. Not only were the flowers full and lush and perfect, they are all locally grown at her farm in Essex! Aster. B grows her flowers using organic practices only. Read more about Melissa and her sustainable farm here: Aster B. Flowers. 

livmatt_06-20-2015-261The very talented Maria Cracchiolo from Caffe Sicilia made the seashore inspired wedding cake as well as the perfectly coordinating 65th anniversary cake for Liv’s grandparents. Delicious and delightful (both cakes), Maria is a pleasure to work with. She also made the cannolis we served at Friday night’s celebration and they too, were devoured by all! Maria can be reached at: 978-283-7345.EM livmatt_06-20-2015-466EM livmatt_06-20-2015-301Emily Reed did a stunning job styling the bride and bridesmaid’s hairdos. Each girl’s hair was perfectly suited to her personality and each was so happy with her work. It was a delight to see their expressions after she had created her magic. Emily can be reached at:

Liv Matt ©Kim Smith 2015

Special thanks to Virgilio’s Italian Bakery for catering the party the night before the wedding—the sandwiches, antipasto, and entrees were a tremendous hit. And Nancy Virgilio helped us order just the right amount so that there would be sandwiches enough for late night snacking! Call 978-283-5295 for information abut Virgilio’s catering menu

EM livmatt_06-20-2015-453

Kathleen Erickson, owner of Savour Wine and Cheese, was instrumental in choosing the wines and Prosecco. We informed her of the menu and of our budget for both the reception and Friday night’s celebration and she knew just what to recommend. Thank you Kathleen for the wonderful selections; they were simply perfect.EM livmatt_06-20-2015-442

Fun and imaginative, the invitation set the tone of the wedding weekend from the get go. Liv and Matt designed the invite and worked with Shaina to refine the look. Contact Shaina at:

Gloucester Rental Center did an excellent job and we found nearly all of our event needs there: Gloucester Rental Center.

Esther Mathieu livmatt_06-20-2015-413

Last, but not in the least, we wish to thank Stan Wohlfarth of Stan’s Classic Service for the vintage VW limo service. Everyone loved that bus! Stan may be reached at:

EM livmatt_06-20-2015-227


Olivia & Matt 6-20-15b

Shaina Gregory Invitation

*With the exception of invitation scans and the group photo of the wedding party.

Photos of the guests and wedding party to come after Liv and Matt return from Thailand.


New Video from Lisa Smith ~ Gloucester City-wide Arts Festival 2015

Lisa writes ~ “Here it is fresh off the press video highlight of the Gloucester Schools City-wide Arts Festival held earlier this month in downtown Gloucester. I couldn’t cover it all, but what I did cover was amazing! It includes a short interview with GHS science teacher Kurt Lichtenwald, his robotics program is fantastic. People got to play with the robots and other engineering marvels that his students made.”


Sweet Video from Lisa Smith and Becky Tober at CATV: Backyard Growers Cutest Fundraiser Ever!

Beautifully filmed and edited Lisa and Becky, and great job with the interview Meghan! Thanks so much for sharing.





Video Preview: Aladdin at Beeman!

Come see the Beeman School students perform Aladdin. The show features the 4th and 5th grade students and is directed by Heidi Dalin. Show times are Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, April 14, 15 and 16, at 7 pm.

Lisa Smith from Cape Ann TV sent along this video preview ~

Holiday Delights on Cape Ann TV This Weekend

This just in from Lisa Smith:

Keep Warm, stay inside this MLK weekend and watch “Holiday Delights” on Cape Ann TV Channel 12. This latest version of the Gloucester Stage perennial favorite Christmas play was filmed with three cameras last month. It features over 30 young actors from the Gloucester Stage Youth Acting Workshop and tells the story of a Gloucester girl who finds the true  meaning of Christmas on Christmas Eve. The program airs Saturday, January 17 at 9 am and 5 pm; Sunday, January 18 at 8 am; and Monday,  January 19 at 9 am and 6 pm.  See complete Cape Ann TV Schedule here.

Cape Ann TV Production Class Monday Evening August 18th

Cape Ann TV Video Production Class- Monday, August 18 at 6:30 to 9:00 pm.

The class is taught by Jim Capillo and covers how to use the field equipment.

Lisa Smith writes ~ Did you know that the facilities and equipment at Cape Ann TV are available to all Cape Ann residents? All you need to do is to become a member and pay a yearly membership fee of $20. We also provide the training, no experience necessary. To sign up for the class or for more information about Cape Ann TV call: 978-281-2443 or email website: