From Spring to Summer — pat morss

A quick transition from a chilly spring to a summer heat wave. The Rhododendrons are blossoming from buds, the Chickadees are at work (I think he’s supervising and she’s building), just a lone coyote on the Audubon land, a first sail past Eastern Point light, and an Eider extended family enjoys a swim along Raymond Beach.

Annisquam MBTA Closure

Please read Annisquam MBTA Closure

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Bridge across the
Annisquam River, mile 0.7, has been removed to allow for
construction of a replacement bridge. The channel through the bridge
will be closed to all vessel traffic from 6:00 a.m. Monday June 7,
2021 to 6:00 a.m. Wednesday June 9, 2021 to accommodate a 1000 ton
Gantry Barge and several workboats fitting the replacement bridge into
place. The barge and equipment will not be moved from the channel
outside of working hours. From 6:00 a.m. Wednesday June 9, 2021 to
4:00 p.m. June 11, 2021 vessel height restriction will be in place
while electrical components are installed. Vessels able to transit
without a bridge opening may do so. Mariners can contact the
Harbormaster via VHF CH 16/13. Questions may be directed to the MBTA
Resident Engineer, Mr. Matt Moorehouse at (617) 839-8075 or J.F. White
Contracting Mr. Mike Keville (617) 908-2405 or Mr. Tim Chase Sector
Boston Waterways Management at (617) 447-1620. Mariners are advised
plan accordingly.
Chart 13281 LNM: 22/21 (CGD1)

Submerged Groin and Piles

I was recently studying the area we live on a nautical map and noticed the terms “Subm piles” and “Subm Groin”. I had to wonder…… because I am easily amused, the fact that the piles were south of the groin on this map of Freshwater Cove brought a giggle forward.

I concluded that “subm” must indicate submerged (I am not without some insight) and I had an idea what piles were in nautical terminology. I asked around a bit about “groin” without success. So, I googled it…….

According to the National Park Service, groins are used to maintain beaches and limit “longhsore sediment transport” (erosion?). And now we all know. It’s your “News You Can Use” segment of the blog…….

JEKS ONE #GloucesterMA gilded lobster mural

Photographs of monumental Harbor Village mural commission, a golden lobster four days in, with close up views of the foregrounded claw, the most recent additions. Second crane facilitates exterior finishing. See lintel work./ (c. ryan)

Artist: JEKS ONE mural artist Greensboro, NC

About Harbor Village

Harbor Village: a new apartment building developed by Action Inc. and North Shore Community Development Coalition building on 206 Main Street at Elm (formerly Cameron’s) under construction. This is the first of a few public art commissions for this property.

Gloucester Mural Map | Public Art

From “Science supports smoking a blunt with your lobster before eating it”

Science supports smoking a blunt with your lobster before eating it

One thing that’s become clear over the past couple years is that our society doesn’t appreciate scientists the way it should. Why, in the past year alone, these heroes have conquered a pandemic, determined the human threshold for hot dog consumption, discovered how to grow both chicken nuggets and bacon in a lab, and may have even developed edible holograms. And now a team of scientists at the University of California San Diego has solved another one of life’s great mysteries: Can lobsters get high?

The impetus for this groundbreaking study: a Maine restaurant that’s famous for hot boxing lobsters. Back in 2018, restaurateur Charlotte Gill of Charlotte’s Legendary Lobster Pound sent the internet into a tizzy when she told a local newspaper that she was experimenting with marijuana in hopes creating a more humane way to kill lobsters. Gill would use an air mattress pump to smoke up a sealed, lobster-filled chamber; as she explained to Modern Farmer this week, the results were undeniable.