Check out The Building of The Kingfisher Presented by Ron Gilson and Erik Ronnberg

Presented by
Ron Gilson and Erik Ronnberg
Arthur D. Story Shipyard
Essex, MA
Circa 1947

The following history is the story I promised, from the year 1947, when Gloucester’s Fishing Industrial Revolution was in full swing.

It is presented here from my memory as a 14-year old working on the Gloucester waterboat, “Wenham Lake”.  This F/V Kingfisher story is recounted from official Essex shipyard records; Dana Story’s Kingfisher construction photos; my personal records and interviews with E. Lewis Knickle, Kingfisher’s startup chief engineer; and lastly, my early advisory contribution to Erik Ronnberg, Jr., the model builder of the F/V Kingfisher.

Ronnberg is a nationally acclaimed vessel model builder, currently serving as Maritime Curator at our Gloucester Cape Ann Museum.

Ron and Erik at Cape Ann Museum

This in-depth presentation is for historical purposes.  The facts as presented are done so in hopes that this history will live on in Gloucester’s fishing industry annals.  Ron GilsonJune 2020

Ten years ago, Erik called me and asked “in my opinion” what vessel was the most innovative, modern in concept, architecturally designed, “easern rigged side trawler”, built in an Essex shipyard in the 1940’s era.
As Erik listed the desired characteristics, there was only one vessel that qualified. . . the F/V Kingfisher!Owned by business partners Larry McEwen and Thomas Hudgins, the 109′ Kingfisher was launched from the A.D. Story Shipyard, Dana Story, Builder, Essex, MA on Marc 25 1947.

Illustration April 1947 feature aticle of Fishing Gazette

Read the rest at The Gloucester I Love 2 Blog including 87 pictures in total detailing the construction of the Kingfisher at his link:


Windhover campus on December 19, 2020          (photo by Lisa Hahn)

During this unprecedented time in our lives, when the arts were curtailed due to the pandemic, Windhover emerged as a refuge for performing artists. Choreographers and their dancers needed space to work, and a select number of companies came to Windhover this summer to reside, to rehearse new work, to hold open rehearsals and for some companies, they were engaged in making films of their dances. Aside from all of that, Windhover was able to produce for the first time, a 33 minute new film titled: Quarry Dance lX. It was the result of a bold decision by choreographer Dušan Týnek who brought his dancers to reside at Windhover for a week, two at a time, in order to film a newly created dance performed live for the video camera, at three private Cape Ann quarries.

Our gift to the public is this 33 minute film which can now be accessed on YouTube, as well as on the website. The local Cape Ann community cable station at 1623 Studios plans to show it on a regular schedule starting soon. (channel 12 here on Cape Ann)  The film elicited praise from two acclaimed dance critics; Marcia Siegel, as well as New York based critic Deborah Jowitt. The links are attached here:  Dancing on Stone and in Water – Deborah Jowitt and the second review is  Reclaiming Space – Marcia Siegel

Through your financial support, Windhover has been able to remain open this past summer, sustain its dance residencies and was able to produce the Quarry Dance lX film. We could not have achieved this without your support. Every friend and donor counts, especially during these most challenging times. Please consider making a year-end gift of any amount to our non-profit 501©3 organization. Donations are fully tax deductible. Just click on the DONATE button on the website, which links to paypal. Alternatively, old fashioned checks are still acceptable as well. You can make the check payable to Windhover and send to P.O Box 2249, Rockport, Ma. 01966

As we embark on our year-end campaign, we want you to know that exciting plans are in the works for  2021, with many more outdoor live performances next summer. With ample space to spread out, Windhover is able to welcome audiences in its back garden where its outdoor stage will be utilized for live performances, seen here in a photo taken this week in December during a recent winter snowstorm. We hope you can help sustain Windhover to ensure its continued success and growth. 

With warm wishes,


“It’s Always Ice Cream Season at Holy Cow”

Not only are they open, but have you seen their Featured Menu Speciality Flavors!? Mandarin Cocoa, Christmas Cookie, Canewich, Frozen Hot Cocoa, Candy Cane Cookie….and, now, Pain Killer….as in Mile Marker One’s delicious Pain Killer cocktail! And, don’t get me started on those ice cream sandwiches!

Check out Holy Cow’s website HERE…

The photo below was taken from Mile Marker One’s Instagram Page.

Check out Mile Marker One Here:

A Tradition That Continues to Delight- Tony Gross’ Swedish Coffee Bread Christmas Present!

2020 Edition (green twisty tie tied at the top and label)

2019  Green Ribbon Tied In The Middle This Year!


This year we got the red ribbon tied in the middle as opposed to 2012  green ribbon tied at the end.

2016-12-19 08.01.30




Tony Gross Comes Through With The Annual Swedish Coffee Bread!

Posted on December 24, 2011 by Joey C


Tony Gross Comes Through Again With His Famous Swedish Coffee Bread

Posted on December 24, 2010 by Joey C

Every year Tony makes Frank and I a loaf of his much sought after Swedish coffee bread. I’m afraid to open it because once you eat the first bite I can’t stop til that whole sucker is gone. (I’m not sure if he puts heroin in it, the stuff is so damn addicting).

Tony Gross 2009 Swedish Coffee Bread

Tony Gross’ Swedish Coffee Bread

Posted on December 21, 2009 by Joey C

Every Christmastime Tony Gross, the skipper of the lobsterboat F/V Sandollar makes a ridiculous number of Swedish Coffee Bread loaves and gives them out to friends.  I made the mistake and called it Nisu but because the recipe comes from an elder in Tony’s family he insists it be called Swedish Coffee Bread.

It’s delicious and best eaten within a day of cooking.  I sure am glad I’m on the list of those who get one every year!

Who Knows the people behind-

From their “Our Story” page:

“Eastern Point Collective is a team of community-driven hospitality innovators, there are few things we’re more passionate about than people and food. In our 30+ years of combined experience, we’ve learned that business owners do best when they strive to be a contribution not only to their bottom line, but to the communities they serve. That’s why we see opening new concepts and helping existing restaurants thrive as more than just a business opportunity – it’s a chance to actively improve people’s lives and the communities they live in. 

Collectively we’ve designed, consulted, opened and managed dozens of concepts, from mom-and-pop startups to Michelin-starred establishments. We started Eastern Point Collective to change hospitality through integrity and grace.  We are here to help developers, chefs and restaurateurs build successful ventures that both improve the neighborhoods where they operate, and help to elevate the hospitality industry itself. With our restaurants we are constantly seeking new and innovative ways of operating that create a better life for everyone involved – owners, employees, and guests. 

Behind everything we do is the driving belief that when it comes to hospitality, taking a community-focused, purpose-driven approach isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s the right way to build a successful and sustainable business. Whatever it is you’re looking to build, we can’t wait to help bring it to life.”