GMG BTS (Behind The Scenes) Joey, Pat and Jimmy Wrote Up A GloucesterCast Memorandum For Our Guests

Sometime I think the readers like a sneak behind the curtain.

I think everyone reading this, being a guest or regular will make the podcast even better and won’t make us lose time explaining the process to the guests before every podcast as they will already have read it when they ask to come on.

Here’s what we came up with-

GloucesterCast notes and expectations to make the podcast the best it can be.

Mission statement:


Joe will welcome everyone to the podcast after music plays and introduce himself.

Joe will then ask each podcast member to introduce themselves – keep it to your name and funny comment. Should be no more than 5 seconds.

Joe will review and summarize the podcast topics, remind viewers how the podcast works and highlight anything unique to the weeks podcast.

Joe will drive the podcast agenda/discussion.

Do not say anything negative about a local business or city/national politics. We love everyone.

Please do not talk over the person that is speaking. Silence your phone. Limit sidebar conversations, they are very distracting and take away from the podcast.

Contributors – Submit topics prior to the taping (the earlier the better) so that Joey can compile the podcast topic. This will help the podcast start on time and avoid any “fire drills” Submit topics to Put In the GloucesterCast Topics in the subject line.

Guests- you will be given 8-10 minutes to pitch your product/story (just like Shark Tank). Focus on the Who, What, When, Where, Why. Email your marketing material/notes to Joey the night before so he include this information on the blog. Preferred formats – jpeg or web address. If you have any links to the event or whatever if you can send it the way you would like it posted Joey will add them to the show notes “copy and paste” style. So if you write anything, write it for the viewer, not Joey this should not be more than one or two sentences including the links where you’d like viewers to find your information in greater detail (website, facebook page). Use the following Email for all communication with Joey-

Stay positive, be relaxed. Think of the podcast as a fun/free flowing conversation between friends. Joey and his contributors will ask you questions to drive the discussion. Do not get bogged down in the minutia of really little details that people won’t likely remember.

Arrive 10-15 minutes prior to start time (at minimum). We usually have some food that our contributors or guests bring. It is highly appreciated when the guests bring something. You are welcome to eat something before the cameras start filming(half hour before is best). When we are done discussing your topic you can leave or you can stay for the entire podcast. If you need to leave, when appropriately stand up and excuse yourself (you don’t need to sneak out). If you decide to stay join in on the fun and feel free to participate/add value to the other podcast topics or guests.

If Joey has to leave the office for business reasons, the podcast/discussion will continue in his absence. One of his contributors will keep things moving.

The podcast is streamed live and recorded.

When the podcast starts, share the podcast links and live stream with your social media contacts.

Subscribe on iTunes here

If you leave a positive review on iTunes it helps with our placement as well

If you are an android user you can subscribe here-

Have your friends and family submit comments at this link when we are taping-

Promotional items are welcome and appreciate. The item/gift will be given to a listener the following week which will give us an opportunity to promote you/your product a second time.

Future contest/giveaway – each viewer that joins the live stream will be assigned a number. Our software will select a random number at the end of the live on the live podcast. This viewer will win the weekly gift.

Now that is a huge ship

Saw this freighter off Kettle Island on Thursday morning. The name is Catalunya Spirit and sails under the Spanish Flag. For more information with regards to marine traffic you can follow the following link.

Awesome Gloucester, Congratulation to The Magnolia Community Farmers Market

From the  Magnolia Community Farmers Market

Still kinda speechless. With the grant that we received last night from Awesome Gloucester, our massive farmers market to-do list seems much more manageable. It’s been such a great pleasure working with this team and compiling our creativity and drive into something we are truly proud to be a part of. And it’s so rewarding that a group of “awesome” strangers sees this potential too. I hope all the Awesome Trustees can make it to opening day so that they can see the fruits of our labor which they have helped to nurture and grow. I can’t wait to get crackin.’ #buildingabettermarket

Nichole’s Picks 11/23 + 11/24

Pick #1:  Winterlights at Stevens-Coolidge Place

Photo from  Photo credit: Stephanie Zollshan Photography

Trustees’ Winterlights returns and is bigger and better than ever. Join us for magical experiences at three of our beautiful garden properties, Naumkeag in Stockbridge, The Stevens-Coolidge Place in North Andover, and new this year Eleanor Cabot Bradley Estate in Canton, as they sparkle with thousands of shimmering and artfully designed holiday lights. Bring the family for scavenger hunts, crafts, seasonal characters and experiences, food and refreshments, and more. Winterlights runs multiple evenings each week starting the weekend before Thanksgiving and running through the end of December.

Get your tickets early before they sell out.


Members: $12
Nonmembers: $17
Under 12: FREE

All tickets on sale now!

Screen Shot 2019-11-22 at 8.49.12 AM

Pick #2: Gingerbread House Decorating at the Sawyer Free Library

10:00 – 12:00 on Saturday.

Must Call to register! Let’s get ready for Middle Street Walk! Join Gloria Parsons of the Middle Street Walk Committee and decorate a gingerbread house! Gloria will provide materials and guide you and your child to decorate your own gingerbread house together. If you choose, enter the Middle Street Walk Gingerbread House Contest! This event is for children age 8 and up only (working with an adult.) Registration is required.

CONTACT: Christy Rosso  978-325-5505

LOCATION: Friend Room


Pick #3: Family Day at Castle Hill

Sunday, November 24

Free with regular property admission

978.356.4351 x3203

Castle Hill on the Crane Estate
Ipswich, MA

Step back in time to 1929 and join us for a day of family fun at Castle Hill!

We’re bringing play back into the Crane Estate with fun activities for the whole family through out the day.

Ongoing activities on the Ground Floor of the Great House will include:

  • Card games from the 20s
  • Storytime
  • Coloring Station with 1920s and Castle Hill Coloring Pages
  • Napkin Folding Station
  • Servant Interactions around the Ground Floor

In addition, photographer Cristin Gisler will be on-site to do family photos from the roof of the Great House. If you still need a holiday family photo, time slots can be scheduled by emailing:

Tours of the Great House will continue as usual with Guest of the Cranes running every hour on the hour. (Last tour is at 3 PM.)



As always, for a comprehensive list of family activities, please visit our friends at North Shore Kid

Joey C Life Hack: Stop and Shop App Promotion Buy $100 In Any Gift Card and Get $20 off Your Next Purchase

You need food, right?  You buy stuff, right?  Well then by my account that’s free money.  I use the Stop and Shop App anyway because there’s just a ton of awesome free stuff they put on there for you.  So I saw in the flyer that if you buy a $100 gift card you get $20 off your next purchase.  Most people use Amazon.  Those are on there, Home Depot, Apple, Bed Bath and Beyond, Uber, Starbucks.  If you buy $100 cards, that’s 20%.  Good luck getting that kind of return on your money guaranteed anywhere else.  Links to download the app below.  The promotion runs through 11/29 and you have to use the $20 coupon by 12/5/19.

Stop & Shop App

Save time, save money and find meal inspiration with the mobile app!

Download for iPhone

Download for Android

Hello? Who’s This?

So much has changed in our lifetimes… understatement that came to the fore when I saw this 1914 New England Telephone ad:

Phone ad 1914

When I was a kid, we were on a party line….for those of you who may not remember, these were shared phone lines. Your neighbors essentially had the same line as you did so you could eavesdrop on their phone conversations and vice versa. You paid a premium for a private line.

When you called someone, you were pretty sure you knew where they were located at that moment but they had no idea who was calling.

A phone number was typically shared by everyone in the household so you had a chat with whomever picked up the call.

You VERY carefully planned “long distance” calls for the cheapest rates because you were charged extra for each call made outside your zone…..and, as referenced in this ad, you could rest easy if no one answered.

Today you can make those Thanksgiving calls anytime you like. When your college kid comes home for the long weekend, your line is no longer tied up making their plans with friends. It’s a wonderful world we live in (mostly)! What else do you remember about phones back in the day?

Here’s a link to a cute Ellen video demonstrating some of this. Might provide some guidance for Thanksgiving family fun.