Fly Amero’s musical guest this week: Ron Shrank! 7pm @ The Rhumb Line 11.8.2017


Dinner Specials Each Week!
Wednesday, November 8th – 7pm
My Musical Guest: RON SCHRANK!

Easy, breezy listening, folks. We have a very cool customer
on board this week… the calm and collected Mr. Ron Schrank!
He’s been a favorite of our Wednesday followers for a very,
very long time. Some see why! ~ Fly
Dinner with great music!
*Each week features a special, invited musical guest
The Rhumb Line Kitchen…
…now features Janet Brown with some new and healthy ideas!
Plus a fine, affordable wine menu!
11/15 – Honkytonk Women

11/22 – Thanksgiving Eve (full band TBA)

11/29 – Charlee Bianchini

Looking forward……to seeing you there 🙂

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