Colors of Magnolia Harbor

4 thoughts on “Colors of Magnolia Harbor

  1. Thanks Donna this is so needed to start this week for me I am breaking my little crows woman too!! Spirit is hurting Texas-NY- and so much pain those who care will always hurt!! Dave & Kim

    SPIRIT HELPER – Many Crows Woman
    Let her be your friend. She has no eyes, so she cannot judge you. Her feet leave no tracks, so you are the only one to know she is there. She has no hands to meddle in things not about her. Tell her you’re hopes, your dreams, and your fears – those things that make you happy, things that make you sad. All these thoughts she will guard very carefully, so when you need them the most for strength, this little Spirit Helper will give them back to you. Take her wherever you go and know that you have a friend always!


      1. Yes to news I have to push myself back a bit and even more so that more information has been gleaned via the investigations makes this even more tragic! 😦 Dave & Kim 😦


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