Sidewalk Butt Buttlers

Thank you to Gloucester’s Clean City Commission for Magnolia’s two Butt Buttlers. On Wednesday, Nick, a volunteer with the Clean City Commission installed two buttlers at The Magnolia Library and at Magnolia Landing. Please remember that cigarette butts are litter and DO NOT BREAK DOWN. They get into our ocean and pollutes our air and ocean, streams, rivers and lakes. Please use these buttlers. I will be emptying them and will bring to the DPW. Hopefully this stops the mess of butts on streets and sidewalks.

4 thoughts on “Sidewalk Butt Buttlers

  1. Excellent and blends right in with surroundings too what a team and community. Love the color and saying Part of solution!! !! šŸ™‚ Dave & Kim šŸ™‚


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