Jon Hardy Alexandra Rhinelander Alexandras Bread Kim Smith 2016 copy

I love stopping and shopping at Alexandra’s Bread because of these two! As everyone in the community knows, their bread, scones, and cookies are beyond delicious, but it is Jon and Alexandra’s friendly smiles and congenial chatting that always make the trip a joy.

Happy Easter! Happy Spring!


FullSizeRender (46)Charming kitchen towels

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Children’s aprons

FullSizeRender (43)I have a thing for aprons, and Alexandra has the best!

FullSizeRender (42)Oil cloth apron

With His Stripes We Are Healed


With His Stripes We Are Healed (22×28 mixed media)

The physical death of Jesus was a horrific thing. The physical abuse and pain of the beatings and scourging He received, the scorn and suffering of death by suffocation on the cross is impossible to imagine. However, His physical death was not the worst that has ever been suffered by a man. What Jesus suffered, and willingly sacrificed for our sakes, was going through physical death (which He could have chosen to walk away from at any point), but so much more — separation from God. Being part of God come into flesh to walk among us and show us the way, He who was without sin took upon Himself all the sins of mankind. At that moment (when He said: “Father, why have thou forsaken me?”), He had become the thing that God cannot abide, so God had to turn away – He became separated from Himself and became selfless, so that we might be redeemed. He became the ultimate perfect sacrifice for us.  Then he said: “It is finished.”  He had completed his purpose in coming here. God’s perfect plan had been put into place.

His tear is not from physical pain or His own suffering, it is for us. It is that tear of love and compassion so great that it makes you cry, multiplied billions of times.

Isaiah 53:1-7

“Who has believed what we have heard? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
For He grew up before Him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; He had no form or comeliness that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces, He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with His stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, yet He opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth. ”

This scripture is the only place in the Bible where Jesus is physically described.  Throughout time, artists who know and love God, have generally painted Jesus as this strikingly beautiful man, because through love’s eyes, that is how they see Him, just as anyone who is in love sees their beloved as beautiful.  In fact he was just an average looking Jew, with no imposing physique or physical beauty that would make people want to follow him.  They followed Him because of who He was, just as people do today.

I found it interesting that my assigned post time is 3:00pm, scripturally called the 9th hour, the exact time that Jesus is said to have uttered His final words and died, and so most appropriate for this post on Good Friday.

E.J. Lefavour


GloucesterCast 175 with @NAlexanian Susan Kelly @KimSmithDesigns, @DonnaArd and @Joey_C Taped 3/25/16 #GloucesterMA


GloucesterCast 175 with Nubar Alexanian, Susan Kelly, Kim Smith, Donna Ardizzoni and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/25/16

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Topics Include:

Nubar Alexanian’s “Gloucester When The Fish Came First” www.walkercreekmedia.com/gloucester
Starting today through May 5th $125 until
May 5th Launch Party at Rocky Neck Cultural Center
After The Rocky Neck Launch Party the price goes to $295
To get pre-publication price click here http://www.whenthefishcamefirst.com/
Science All Around Us Update- http://scienceallaroundus.com/
Susan Kelly From Generous Gardeners Talking about the new expansion of the Stacy Boulevard gardens as part of the Seawall reconstruction project. to see the plan-
Clean City Meeting-
Cigarette Butlers On Main Street
Bag Thing
Ten Pound Island Meeting At City Hall- Hot Topics Once a Month
 GMG 175 podcast Joe Ciaramitaro, Nubar Alexanian, Donna Ardizonni, Susan Kelly


Still Counting that Darn Jug…

Wow!  There were A LOT of guesses in regards to just how much $$ is in our big water jug at home.

I printed out all of the guesses from both our GMG page and the Facebook page on Wednesday after the “deadline.”  There were almost exactly 200 guesses in all.

So far we’ve emptied the jug and sorted the coins into buckets of quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies, and a pile of bills.

I’ve completely abandoned the idea of actually rolling the coins because it took hours alone to simply just sort them.  The boys were a huge help and had a lot of fun. From here, we’ll take the 4 buckets to the change machine at the two banks we use in town. Watch out, Cape Ann Savings Bank in Rockport and TD Bank at Harbor Loop!

So, here’s what I know so far….   there were $62 in one dollar bills and a total of $1,246 in quarters (that’s 4,984 quarters in all).

That makes the total so far $1,308.00…..before adding the dimes, nickels, and pennies. So, if your guess was less than that…or super close to it, you weren’t right.  Sorry.

If you’re still in the running, start thinking about the charity of your choice. Stay tuned for the final tally.  Probably Monday morning’s 9:00 post.

Track and field sign-ups for SpecialOlympics

More Cape Ann Community News-

Cape Ann Community

spring is here! we will be holding track sign-ups and a light practice this Saturday from 2-4pm at the Gloucester high school track! Sign-ups will remain open throughout the season! imageTrack will officially start April 9th from 11am-1pm!

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#Beef #Ribs Hit The Freshly Refurbished 2008 @webergrills One Touch Gold Kettle at 5:20AM @CaptJoeLobster #GloucesterMA #BBQ #foodporn #manmeatbbq #bbqporn #beef #ilovegrilling #grilling

Follow the live smoking session at www.northeastbbq.com this morning.