Dave Sag’s Blues Party @ The Rhumb Line to host Diane Blue! 8:30pm Tonight Thursday 1.28.2016


ds bw


This Thursday: Ta-Dah!! Ms. Diane Blue returns to the Rhumb Line for another fabulous night of dancing. The delightful Miss D. is bringing in a killer band and will have you wincing with ecstasy as you pull yet another muscle whilst trying to act eighteen again.
We got  Mr. Bobby Gus or is it gust? Anyways, he’s our windfall on the guitar.MrJoe Bargar steps up on keys to gargle a few toons and  our old buddy Mr.Edd Scheer on the drummps steps in to rock your roll without dropping a stitch of laughter. I’ll be there too, standing’ on the corner watchin’ all the girls walk by…

diane blue rl dave sags blues party


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