Angry Bees In Sista Felicia’s Backyard Attack



Video taken from son Bj’s Cell phone…


I accidently disturbed an underground bees nest this afternoon while working in the backyard with St. Barry.  Within seconds of feeling a sting I was surrounded by hundreds of bees, which chased me all the way around the house as I ran for cover yelling OUCH!

IMG_1682[1]My back swelled immediately. After 5 minutes of icing I decided to make a post on Facebook seeking treatment advice. I love the power of Facebook.  In 30 seconds remedy’s were shared, by friends…

Argentina Beer Garlic smash one and put on,rapido!!

Felicia Ciaramitaro Mohan Thank you! What does garlic do? Its stinging like crazy!
Felicia Ciaramitaro Mohan's photo.
Mary Beth Stanton Make sure the stinger is out. Scrap it with a credit card or drivers license. Make a paste with baking soda and water and apply to the area.

Andrea Rubino Toppan Paste with meat tenderizer and water

Ann Mulcahey Capsazun

Paula Bertolino wash it with soap and water and put an antiitch cream on. I got stung a month ago, then Andy went out and got stung too..Just like you. I ended up in the drs because the swelling was so bad and got a red line up my arm.

Takes the pain away ask Jean Marcantonio


Argentina Beer And swelling
Donna Ardizzoni That looks very swollen..


Lorinda Barry Canty I got stung a couple of weeks ago for the first time in my life…I mixed baking soda and some water made a paste, spread it on and let it dry…And then I repeated it…

Rosaria Giambanco- Floyd Holy shit it sounds like cooking recipes just make sure the string is out keep clean call me morning

Paula Bertolino I did the baking soda and water too and the dr asked me why i did that.

Katelyn Foley Vinegar!!

Julie Sanfilippo Press the side of a knife on it for a few minutes. The metal takes the pain away like magic!

Rosa Mortillaro Put a potato on it it will take the stinger out

Kristin Michel Windex – it worked for everything in My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Annmarie Manninen Wonson Actual meat tenderizer

Pam Lane believe it or not Meat tenderizer. It draws out the stinger….also a paste of baking soda works too.

Rosemarie Calomo Vizena Hope you are doing better.

Alison Lote Monell Windex!
Didn’t you see “my big fat Greek wedding “. ?
Hope it’s better

Felicia Ciaramitaro Mohan just did the baking soda … feels a little better after several applications!  I have a high tolerance for pain…Wow can’t believe how much my back hurts…

Felicia Ciaramitaro Mohan's photo.
Late summer through early fall bees seem to take over, parks playgrounds, and ball fields.  I vividly remember swatting bees at my son BJ’s pee wee football games and running for cover on many occasions.  After today experience I thought I ask ” what’s your favorite bee sting remedy?”  





13 thoughts on “Angry Bees In Sista Felicia’s Backyard Attack

  1. If they were coming out of the ground, they were likely yellow jackets, not bees. Yellow jackets look like bees, but are less fuzzy. And they nest in the ground. Bees normally nest in trees. But of course Kim Smith could ID them better than me. Ouch! Thanks for collecting these remedies. Good stuff to know.


  2. These were probably yellow jackets which do not lose their stinger when they sting. They often nest in a hole in the ground, and they seem to be really aggressive this time of year. A lot of people have allergic reactions to their stings…even anaphylactic reactions, which can be fatal.


    1. Anne is completely correct – always have Benedryl in your home. In this case take one immediately, if you start to feel strange in ANY way, call EMT’s immediately. A reaction
      could and has killed people in minutes.
      After calling sit quietly near the unlocked front door, so they can fine you in seconds. You will get
      an injection in your thigh from an EPI PEN, and transported to AGH.
      You will have to carry an EPI with you from then on.

      Don’t blow this off ~ you need that EPI immediately. Get an exterminator to get rid of the bees now, Barefooted kids and Coconuts could be next……be safe.

      People get allergies when thet’ve never had a problem before.


  3. They look like yellow jackets in the video. As a child i was stung by yellow jackets sitting on a rock in the woods. They really hurt especially multiple stings. I hope you are feeling better today.


  4. They sure act like yellow jackets. Live in leaf litter on the ground. When disturb they chase you following the air currents (best not to run but once you are stung who is doing that?) If you are in a group it is best to have one person run away yelling “I’m covered in bees!”

    Regular honey bees will do that too. Ask Eddie Izzard (at 29 seconds).


  5. I am just glad everyone is ok and the home cures are good – some folks like my dad is allergic he takes (Benedryl) and very dangeous when stung for him. If water is available get under it quick and swim away from the spot you went in at – or get into shower turn it on! I have run in’s and been stung one too many times They genreally don’t bother me much other than swelling…Be stings pull the stinger out as even separated it’s pumbing venom in :-O

    I found this up on line

    FYI only:

    😦 Dave & Kim:-(


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