Live Filiming On Atlantic Road of a German TV Mini Series


PrintIMG_1113Today the filming of a German TV Min series has been in full swing on the corner of Atlantic and Grapvine Road here on the scenic coastline of Gloucester’s Back Shore!  Camera and lighting crews report the movie being filmed today is based off a series of romantic novels written by best-selling German Author Katie Ffrode.  They also reported that many famous German actors and actresses staring in the mini series were on location today!  While I was taking photos I noticed everyone on set was speaking a foreign language.  That would probably explain the camera and lighting crews explanation of having a little bit of a langue barrier on set during their apology for not being able to provide  me with a list of the famous actors and actresses names. 


  Best-Selling German Romantic Novelist TV Mini Series Films on Gloucester back-shore!

Kaity fforde 2* Please Note~Above photo credit of Katie Fforde is from Katie Fforde Twitter Page  Click link below for more info on Best Selling German Author Katie Fforde

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