The Gift That Keeps On Giving…GMG Cooks


GMG Cooks have been busy making dozens of  Sicilian ” Cannatedi”,  Easter Egg Bunny and Basket Cookies, for family and friends this week!

Kathryn Piraino Godick Writes ~ Finished product!!!

Kathryn Piraino Goodick 2


Kathryn Piraino Goodick

Sista Felicia ~ Kathryn I love the green coconut grass embellishment!  Great idea!

Maryjane Sanfilippo Carollo Writes ~ Not bad for my first time!

Maryjane Sanfilippo Carollo

Maryjane 3

Maryjane 2

Sista Felicia ~  I Love your Easter Basket Cookies.  They look great, and I know they taste delicious!

Brenda Grace Laino Writes ~ I did all day yesterday

Brenda Grace Laino

Sista Felicia ~ Nice job keeping up family tradition.  Your Easter cookies look beautiful!

3 thoughts on “The Gift That Keeps On Giving…GMG Cooks

  1. All of these submissions look wonderful. Felicia, thanks for passing on your family traditions ~ dare I say they may become Gloucester traditions. Best wishes to you and you family ~ I trust you will have a delicious day 😉


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