Hobbit House Studio

hobbit house studio

Joey will appreciate this.  I have operated as Khan Studio for eleven years.  Since deciding to open my studio here at 1 Wonson Street, I thought it might be time for a new name.  I’ve been thinking about it while getting the place set up and today remembered what Joey said when he came here shortly after I moved it.  He said: “I feel like I’m in a hobbit house.”  So I’m thinking Hobbit House Studio.  Do you think the name fits?

E.J. Lefavour (chief hobbit)


23 thoughts on “Hobbit House Studio

  1. Hobbit House Studio sounds as cozy and inviting as the pictures show. Great name EJ and your studio looks wonderful. Congratulations and wish you much success!


    1. Thanks Paul. Maybe I’ll see you over here when State of the Art Gallery opens up your father’s exhibit. A woman came by the other day wanting to see it, but Sharon and Roger were away. Or just come by and visit any time. I’m still really enjoying your camera. Hope all is well.


    1. Up the stairs at 1 Wonson Street (behind Sailor Stan’s Restaurant, which will be opening by the way on Saturday, April 12 – weekends to start).


    1. Hi Linda, Yes, I am thrilled, especially because I don’t have to move again, and the space is wonderful. Having to move twice a year for the past three years had gotten a little old, especially since I’m not as young as I once was. Can’t wait to see you – you must be thrilled too!


  2. Hi EJ – I love Hobbit House! It’s an alluring name that I think will be tempting for people to investigate. Your display looks wonderful as well!


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