Some words from our friend Fred

Fred has started to write a diary of his experiences of the last couple of months. First entry:

It Can’t Happen to Me, Can It?

I had been losing weight, and was getting progressively weaker. After consulting with my doctor in late January, I had a battery of tests, and found myself in the back of an ambulance headed for the hospital. Hospitals scared me, and events seemed to be getting out of control.

I settled into Gloucester’s Addison Gilbert Hospital for blood transfusions and every x-ray and other scan known to man. Addison was a friendly first stop, as many of the staff knew me or I knew them. Without exception, everyone was helpful and nice. I had my fingers crossed that I didn’t have something serious.
Ambulance picture

Diagnosis: Cancer

By process of elimination, my illness was identified as cancer. The exact location and severity was undetermined. After a week at Addison Gilbert, I was sent by limo (ambulance) to Beverly Hospital. I made a lot of new friends on the second floor, and had bilateral nephrostomy tubes and stents inserted into my back/sides for liver drainage. This, along with medication, spared me from dialysis and chemotherapy.

My blood tests looked better, and my urine color went from rose to yellow, which is healthy. My doctors in urology and radiology were as happy as I was. Now stable, the next step is to get my strength and ability to walk back. I had graduated from critical care hospitals to a rehabilitation facility.
Capped off nephrostomy tube.

44 thoughts on “Some words from our friend Fred

  1. So Good to read of your improvement, Fred ! May your blessings continue. You are Very Important to all of us. Best Wishes ! Skipper


  2. Best to you and look forward to seeing you this spring on our evening Stroll.Let us know on GMG site if you need anything at all we travel up and down Rt 128 daily


  3. I’m so sorry to hear about all you’ve been through. I was wondering what was up. Please get well soon and if there is anything I can do please let me know. Hang in there Buddy The GMG Family is here for you.


  4. I’ve been missing your blog posts and general GMG presence. I’m sorry to hear you have been struggling with health and I hope to “see” you on the blog again soon.


  5. Lost track of all this while traveling lately and glad to hear you are out of the hospital into rehab. Keep drinking whatever they give you and I am ordering a comfy chair with your name on it for the stern of the Blue Duck. I’ll take you for a lap around Cape Ann as soon as these polar vortexes are done with us.


  6. Holy Guacamole Fred! So glad they tracked down the problem and that you are on the mend. . .! We miss you and have been thinking of you. I finally stopped in to see Peggy and now see your ‘Diary’. Thx for sharing your news.


  7. I’ve missed your photos and reports on the passing scene on Main Street. I’m so sorry you’ve been through this frightening experience and hope you’ll be feeling fit as ever soon.


  8. Yikes Fred, we don’t visit for a few months and look at what you got yourself into……
    Seriously, delighted that you’re on the mend ~ remember that you’re blessed to be within an
    hour from the best hopitals in the World….if you’re not comfortable with an answer or treatment
    that’s suggested, beat feet to Dana Farber, they are stellar, and never give up!
    I wish you all the hugs and best care ever. See you soon…….
    Cynthia and David Hill


  9. I am so very sorry to hear about what’s happening – mere words are hard to express it! It seems you never lost the paddle as it comes from within. Here are some nice pictures and singing guitar of Santana (Which is like the ocean currents and waves)

    Wishing the best path forward maintain the spirit & Strength! Hurry back I miss the history lessons!
    EUROPA – Santana
    Una obra de arte (A work of art) Reflective pictures and a singing guitar

    best regards and wishes!

    Dave & Kim


  10. Hope you’re fully recovered soon Fred. The stripers return in approximately 1,440 hours. But whose counting. You’re in our thoughts Fred.


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