Better Pics Of The New Portable Podcasting Set-Up Using The iPad and Samson GoMic

Listen to the GloucesterCast Podcast here-

gloucestercastsquare11 (1)

Shown Left to Right- The Samson GoMic, Lightning to USB connector for connecting Mic to iPad, and cheapo earbuds which plug into the GoMic.


Here’s a shot of everything connected and ready for recording using the BossJock app on the iPad.  Note that I have the GoMic sitting on the table but that black stand actually doubles as a clamp which I clamp to the top of the iPad case.  I placed it on the table for this shot so I could get everything in the shot close together but normally it would be clamped to the top left corner of the iPad Case.  This can all be set up in less than 30 seconds.


This shot is to illustrate how small and compact the set-up is.  I placed a quarter below the GoMic for scale.


Samson GoMic available on Amazon for only $39.99.  You can use it with any laptop or computer with a usb port.  I’ve used it to tape podcasts with my laptop before but the ease of using it owith the iPad along with the BossJock app is so ridiculously easy I can’t even begin to tell you.  It’s plug and play.  The iPad immediately recognizes the mic, you hit the record button and you are off to the races.  When finished you stop recording, hit finish and then select how you would like to export it for use.

The GoMic is also good for use in conferencing, Skype and other uses like that.

You can get one on Amazon here


Here’s a great video showing exactly how it’s done (In this demo the video creator used an iPhone but the iPad version of the BossJock app works exactly the same way)-

In the second video the same video creator used a different mic with an iPad and the iPad BossJock app.  The mic is a nice mic but does not provide nearly the portability of the iPad/GoMic combo.

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