Margi shows you how to SaveYour Back while Snow-Shoveling !

Margi writes in the third person:

Margi Green is a licensed and certified Neuromuscular Massage Therapist who loves to help people learn to use their body in more efficient, natural, and safer ways – while doing everyday activities.

She teaches ongoing individual and group classes in Gloucester, called ‘ Relax & Lengthen ‘. They consist of a combination of gentle stretching, postural lessons, and self-massage; all done with guided relaxation.

All together; they help to reduce existing muscular tension, and prevent further pain or injury.

Margi has studied with David Lynn ( ‘ Let-Go Yoga & Bodywork ‘ ); Ester Gokhale ( ‘ 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back’ ); and Paul St John ( Neuromuscular Therapy ), among others.

This being Margi’s first U-Tube video for Good Morning Gloucester; she said she hopes you enjoyed it and welcomes any and all feedback on it !

She teaches her group Relax & Lengthen Classes on Tues, Thurs, & Fri, at the 222 Arts & Wellness Center, Eastern Ave, Gloucester, or you can contact her for Individual Sessions.

You can find out further information and contact her by visiting her website: ; or emailing her at : .

24 thoughts on “Margi shows you how to SaveYour Back while Snow-Shoveling !

      1. Believe me I do this during gardening season–its the ONLY way to get through it! Thanks to yoga! And thanks to you for showing everyone how to apply this technique to snow shoveling.


    1. I’m so glad you found the outfit helpful in identifying the place where we can safely bend from ! I know I’m a visual learner, so that’s why I created this outfit; with the help of a very talented artist/seamstress !


  1. Great tips on the motions we all take for granted until ouch day- the outfit shows the structure you are dealing with for sure. Too late for my L-3, and L-4 now but lessen on the strain for sure


    1. Thank-you Dave ! I totally agree; these repetitive motions done over & over, for years and years – do add up ! Maybe there’s hope for your L3/4; and definitely hope for improving future stress on that area !


      1. I have adapted and the sad part is there are many bone issues on mom’s side – It’s how we deal with the cards we are dealt which is vital and so many spirit and wisdom keepers make it much better (GMG) 🙂


    2. Thanks Dave ! I agree; we tend to think that our movement patterns don’t really have an effect on our bodies until one day; ouch ! Now though – we have can learn what works best. Even if some damage has been done, we probably have the opportunity to undo some of it, and prevent further problems !


      1. Solid advice happened in 2005 – no operations and they tried giving me med prescribed but I took only one pill of each – Turned them back in expired – don’t like the doppy feeling and temp only – learned from people like yourself other natural ways and if real bad OTC – stretching – sittiing care- walking helps…do a lot of that – No operations unless forced due to numbness! Thank You ! 🙂


  2. Great stuff Margie !!! … I have suffered from an acute back condition that was confirmed to be requiring surgery between the ages of 39 to about 49 taking me through most of my stunt performing years. I believe my condition may have come about from lifting tall French Canadian dancing girls during my dancing years in Montreal and have the challenged knees to along with this package of physical challenges. In place of surgery I chose alternative practices like your own including acupuncture to keep me going … plus keeping in decent shape continually through the decades … which I commend you for also sticking so well to … I gave up shoveling ye abundant Canadian snow when we bought into condo life and yet this demo is still indeed very welcomed in the event I get stuck in the snow with my car … Be well


    1. Hi Markus !
      Good to hear from you; and I’m glad you liked the video; GMG has been so great in posting it ! Glad to hear you chose alternative health practices for your challenged back with all the dancing and stunt work you’ve done, and that it’s worked ! And you’re right, even w/condo living, we all have to shovel every once in awhile, so it’s still good to know how to protect your back while doing so !


      1. Margie … Like my Father used to say; “Guard your health.” … All such eloquent wisdom.
        And for those who may be getting a little long in the tooth, my Father also used to say; “Getting older is not for sissies.” … and I’m certainly now realizing the wisdom behind this catchy little kindly reminder.


      2. Margie … You may be interested to access and perhaps even contribute to a blog hosted by a friend of mine who is suffering from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. If so … Please have a look at: …


  3. Margie, As the maker of the Stout’s Backsaver Grip, keep up the good work! Also keep in mind that on a snow pusher, our grip really helps to lighten the load and distribute the force more evenly throughout the body. All you have to do is lean into the shovel and the body weight does all the work. If your readers are interested, they can also purchase the Backsaver Grip directly from us on our website, Springtime is coming and it’s great on dirt shovels, garden rakes, hoes and all those long-handled tools!


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