nationally prominent poet Brendan Galvin reading in Gloucester today Saturday Feb 8th, 5pm

The reading is at Trident Gallery, 189 Main Street, Gloucester, at 5pm, to be followed by a reception with light refreshments. Admission is free, but reservations are recommended (978-491-7785 or so that the gallery can try to ensure adequate seating.
“We are lucky to have a poet of Galvin’s reputation coming to read on the North Shore.  As I know from experience, his poetry moves you immediately at a reading and then stays with you for years, growing in depth and importance, words you want to read and read again.” — Matthew Swift, gallery director


He grew up in the Boston area and lives in Truro, Massachusetts, a small town on outer Cape Cod.  He has published over 500 poems in magazines, textbooks and anthologies, including 21 poems in The New Yorker.  More details are at the Facebook event page .  A quotation from a book-length poem of his is on the image, a full recent poem is posted at, and another couple of excerpts are included in the latest Trident Gallery Newsletter if you join soon at

Critical praise for Brendan Galvin:

“Few living poets are as memorable in their descriptions of the goings-on in the non-man-manufactured world.” — The New York Times Book Review
“Over the past four decades, in an era deeply suspicious of the relationship between language and external reality, Brendan Galvin has been quietly reminding us that the best poetry can deepend our understanding of the natural world and of each other.” — National Book Award statement
“Brendan Galvin is an essential presence in contemporary American poetry.” — Tar River Poetry
“If future literary historians wish to demonstrate an excellent late-twentieth-century non-formalist who writes directly and accessibly, let Galvin be their example….More toughminded than most of his peers, Galvin is also far less predictable.” — X.J. Kennedy, Shenandoah: The Washington & Lee University Review
“Brendan Galvin has an exciting gift for finding the unexpected word that proves miraculously perfect in its setting.” — The Atlantic Monthly

About Brendan Galvin:

Brendan Galvin is the author of sixteen collections of poems. Habitat: New and Selected Poems 1965-2005 (LSU Press) was a finalist for the National Book Award. Ocean Effectsappeared in fall, 2007. His translation of Sophocles’ Women of Trachis appeared in the Penn Greek Drama Series in 1998. Whirl Is King appeared from LSU Press in 2008. His crime novel, Wash-a-shores, is available on Amazon Kindle. The Air’s Accomplices, a collection of new poems, is forthcoming from LSU Press.

His awards include a Guggenheim Fellowship, two NEA fellowships, the Sotheby Prize of the Arvon Foundation (England), the Iowa Poetry Prize, and Poetry’s Levinson Prize, as well as the first OB Hardison, Jr. Poetry Prize from the Folger Shakespeare Library, the Charity Randall Citation from the International Poetry Forum, the Sewanee Review’s Aiken Taylor Award in Modern American Poetry, and the Boatwright Prize from Shenandoah.

He has been Wyndham Robertson Visiting Writer in Residence in the MA program at Hollins University, Coal Royalty Distinguished Writer in Residence in the MFA program at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, visiting writer at Connecticut College, and Whichard chairholder in the Humanities at East Carolina University.

He lives in Truro, Massachusetts.

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