New Video: Reflections Good Harbor Beach (and sunrise time lapse)

Outtakes from films in progress, too pretty to delete. In thinking about music for my forthcoming film I found this beautiful pan flute song “Mochica en la Noche” by Santiago y Sus Flautes de Pan. The evocative music and heron in the vivid rising sun just felt like a perfect pairing.

28 thoughts on “New Video: Reflections Good Harbor Beach (and sunrise time lapse)

    1. Thank you Mary for your always thoughtful comments–beauty everywhere we look. Also heard Daphnis and Chloe at the BSO this weekend, and thought about slice of that for this little clip, but the pan flute and guitar are better.


  1. I am amazed at how talented and intelligent you are. You see seem to be a very nice person too. This is how you come across to a perfect stranger.


  2. Beautiful video, as you noted “a perfect pairing”. The Heron seems to respond to the sunrise as if to say “time to go to work”.


  3. Dear Kim, This was just what I needed to calm me down as I sipped my coffee this morning. (My son just phoned to say we have a grandchild about to be born today.) Very relaxing music, and yes, it goes very well with the video, and I loved watching the sun rise on my favorite beach. God is good!


    1. Oh Leslie, I am sooooooo happy for you. I hope your baby grandchild-on-the-way doesn’t live too far away and you can see him very soon. All very best wishes to you and your (growing) family!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Thank you for the kind words re video–we are counting our blessings, in so many ways!


  4. It’s a girl ! “Kaitlyn” 8 lbs. 11 ozs. Healthy! God is good! We all feel so blessed. (Kim, you can check out her photo on my Facebook page.)


    1. Oh Leslie just wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a thousand and one congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Help–I am so dumb when it comes to FB–I looked on your page and can’t find. Where is the photo please i would love to see her!!


  5. You aren’t dumb. I couldn’t get it to post (even checked my security settings) so I emailed the pix to my daughter and asked her if she could post it on Facebook. She did, and I’ve shared it on my page. Now you can check it out. Hugs, Leslie


    1. Leslie, I see the photo JUST BEAUTIFUL!!!

      I can put up a little birth notice post on GMG if you would like? Photo, with her name (not last) date and time? Let me know what you think.


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