1954 Good Harbor Beach- Those Were The Days, Weren’t They Virginia?

Hi Joey, Listening to your recent podcast, I thought “What can I do to spice things up for the guys?

Then I remembered some old snapshots I have of the Summer of 1954 on Good Harbor Beach. The Bodybuilders, members of the Old YMCA Weightlifting Club, would get together on Saturday afternoons at 3 o’clock and put on an exhibition of strength and entertainment I would call them the Beach Clowns You can see they were outstanding performing body lifts, pyramids, cartwheels, hand to hand, you name it. What a joy to watch them and a delight to their audience on the beach, every Saturday afternoon.

The first photo is my husband, Bob McKinnon, lifting Bob Bruce. Next photo Joe Orange lifting Bob Bruce. My Bob also had many poses with the Dickman twins, John and Charlie. Last photo is me eight months pregnant with my husband and Joe Orange. You have to agree these were the Strong Men of the greatest generation. All WW2 Veterans, home from the war and having a fun time. My husband and Joe Orange, also Tony Mattos, are the only guys left from the photos, but we have these precious memories. Virginia (Frontiero) McKinnon. 






12 thoughts on “1954 Good Harbor Beach- Those Were The Days, Weren’t They Virginia?

  1. It must have been tough being pregnant with Both Bob and Joe, what a set of twins you were carrying. Or perhaps Bob was the father of the bundle of joy you were to have in the next month and Joe just wanted to get into the picture.


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