GloucesterCast 1/31/14 With Host Joey Ciaramitaro and Guest Ed Collard -The Paper vs Plastic Podcast


GloucesterCast 1/31/14 With Host Joey Ciaramitaro and Guest Ed Collard -The Paper vs Plastic Podcast

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Topics Include: Ed Collard Passes The Torch to Mike Luster as New Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors President, O’Maley Innovation School LipDub Video, Administrators Deserve Kudos,  James Niedzinski’s Gloucester Daily Times Article and Thank Goodness for Local Newspapers, The Great Paper vs Plastic Debate.

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4 thoughts on “GloucesterCast 1/31/14 With Host Joey Ciaramitaro and Guest Ed Collard -The Paper vs Plastic Podcast

  1. Paper or plastic, neither it takes four times the energy to produce a paper bag and plastic bags are photodegradable meaning they break down from the sun and end up in little tiny pieces of plastic that are floating around you face as you read this. So bring your clean reusable bag when shopping everywhere, for food, clothes, beer, anything. Save our world and our birds and animals from choking to death. Thank you Mother Earth.


  2. The most important point about using plastic bags is what they do to the environment and especially what they do in the ocean. In the Pacific Ocean there is, as I am sure you know, a garbage patch the size of the state of Texas filled with plastic of all kinds, including plastic bags. Check out this website: There are a total of five of these gyres in the world, tragically. The trash is killing sea animals and is toxic to the ocean. The best solution as Patti Amaral and Ed Collard say is to bring your own bag to the grocery store. It is hard to remember sometimes, but well worth it. Thank you for this discussion about plastic bags. I try to avoid using plastic whenever possible.


  3. I’m with Ed ~ llbean bags are great, they come in a variety of sizes and wash easily. Have to gather fruits and meats in plastic, however fewer bags are used by gathering everything in the llbean bags. So, after you put the groceries away ~ put the llbean bag or bags away too ~ in the car if you’re really organized or hang them on the exiting door knob if you’re like me. Thanks for the good posts ~ good podcast ~ and constructive thoughts for the new year ~


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