Keeping Warm and Cozy!

Too much design work to photograph this afternoon, but I hope to tomorrow morning, early, before round two of the double whammy of storms hits Cape Ann. Love snow days and I hope everyone is keeping warm and cozy in their homes!

©Kim Smith 2014 copy

paperwhites ©Kim Smith 2014Note ~ If while forcing paperwhites they become messy and keel over, as they are want to do, cut the stems and place in a vase of fresh water.

9 thoughts on “Keeping Warm and Cozy!

  1. Nice show of color you have going on. And your advice on paperwhites ~ how true. My grand daughter did a science fair project to determine if paperwhites grew best in artificial or window light. The artificial light test group grew in my laundry room ~ 3 feet tall ~ and not many blooms.
    Happily ~ the family room group grew about 12 inches and bloomed beautifully. You are displaying a fine vase of blooms ~ you get an A. 🙂


    1. Hi Karen ~ I am familiar with, and think your poppy paintings are wonderful however, this is one of my husband’s, Tom Hauck, paintings that he painted 25 years ago. After his band disbanded, he started painting again and this little painting of a peach is one of the earliest from that re-found interest in painting.


    1. Hi Sandy, Thank you very much for your interest. I have copies here and they are also available through my publisher’s website, whatever is most convenient for you. I will email you directly. Many thanks again.


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