Fun at Eastern Point Light House at High Noon Gloucester

Brianmoc submits-


20 thoughts on “Fun at Eastern Point Light House at High Noon Gloucester

  1. Brian, These photos are spectacular! How/where did you take them? I can’t even imagine being that close, inside the house, watching this happen.

    I have enjoyed all the photos you have submitted.


  2. Hi, wondering if you can tell me if the house, Mother Ann Cottage, is ok??
    You took your pictures from the front yard…..expect boulders in front yard, but please advise.
    Thanks a million.


    1. house was fine as waves where coming in from right. water came over wall and pushed down the drive way. the snow acted as a wall witch was neat at first but then it pooled up making walked back more of a swim.


  3. Wow, I lived in that lighthouse 18 years ago with the coast guard and saw the waves break two stories high! Got video tape somewhere.


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