Dave Moore Remembers The Troops

Capt Joe.could you post this for the troops who are far away – and missing their families – just like the ones back home who work for Fire Department-Police-Coast Guard who are on duty on all serving their communities and country many are former veterans also this includes the fisherman, lobstermen Men & Woman alike, like our services.Thank You!

“Please-Don’t forget the veterans both (Active and Retired) who are far from their homes serving their country still in many ways Say a prayer for those who have lost their life in support of motherland America and those countries who we help!

“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” ― Bob Hope

Mac Davis – Song Painter Album – “Home” (Mac Davis wrote this song)

ome – Gary Puckett & The Union Gap (another version)

Poppy Skaines
Uploaded on Feb 20, 2011
Serving in Viet Nam in 1970 I came across an album from an unknown songwriter at the time named Mac Davis. One song in particular that really moved me was a song called “Home”. Made me real homesick. Many years have past. I am thankful to all who sacrificed for our country.

No where could I find this song or lyrics on the internet. I dedicate this song and video to all the veterans who have served in the past and are serving our country today. God Bless them all.

“Home” – Mac Davis

And every night they lie awake
And dream of Momma’s chocolate cake
And wonder if there’ll be a tomorrow
And will they ever see their home and their family
Oh will they ever be back home, Oh

And boys who never learned to pray
Look to the heaven’s everyday
And stumble through a simple little prayer
And ask the Lord above
To send them home to the ones they love
Oh God I hope they make it home

And everyday some young boy dies
And in the night some young girl cries
He’ll never hear his baby’s laughter
He’ll never ever see his home and his family
But I guess he’s finely free
And at last he’s on his way back home, Oh

When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things – not the great occasions – give off the greatest glow of happiness.” “-Bob Hope”

God Bless – and have a safe holiday season Dave Ret, Vet South Korea

Dave Moore (S-55/Ret USAF- Native nickname-Kukani Tiya-RD)
(“Quarere Verum”Seek the Truth”)

17 thoughts on “Dave Moore Remembers The Troops

  1. Dave, thank you for your post. We are appreciative of your participation in GMG with always kind comments. Thank you mostlly though for your service to our country and for this heartfelt reminder to remember our troops, especially during the holidays.


    1. Thank You Kim – It’s not what you have but what you give away while on the path of life! It’s a calling for me! God Bless Dave & KIm


  2. Submitted on 2013/12/24 at 7:10 am
    Dave, thank you for your post. We are appreciative of your participation in GMG with always kind comments. Thank you mostlly though for your service to our country and for this heartfelt reminder to remember our troops, especially during the holidays.


    1. Thank you Fred and thank you for your wisdom and sharing! It’s a calling and you never truly leave he team!
      God Bless Dave & Kim


  3. Thank you David for the reminder of all those that are serving far and near. One of my sad memories of Christmas and those who serve is, when I was a teenager back in the 1950’s my father Robert Whitmarsh, Sr came home on Christmas morming from his shift at Gloucester Fire Dept. and finding it hard to be joyful with his family as he and his fellow firefighters had been called out to a fire where small child were left alone and the tree caught fire, and I think all the children parrished.
    I really don’t think a lot of people give a much of thought to those at the hospitals, as well as all the other services some of our men and woman provide while we are celerbrating. Here is a big THANK YOU! to all of those who are serving, on this Christmas holiday!


    1. You hit this spot on! Remember, behind all these special folks are family and friends and that is why it’s so hard for them – the oath is for all they live and work in these same communities and grew up there – so the pain can and will be very personal.
      Thank You and God Bless you and family Dave & Kim Across the big pond!


  4. Thank you all but – please thank “Capt Joe he sent me a personal email on this one and there was a really good article out of Boston (AP) was in the Stars & Stripes todayThe Associated Press
    These are the hero’s making a diference each day – and you will find many doing that like all the community that way – My foundations like a breakwall was built there like many with so many challenges – to overcome! 🙂

    A mission:
    In law enforcement, fire department, Public safety and families may encounter many people are running away from something problems or issues – while they are running to something in their duties and are required by to try and resolve issues!

    “Sort of like the sea” – “Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.” – African Proverb
    God Bless you all and stay safe!
    Dave & Kim 🙂 🙂


  5. Thanks, my son is a veteran of a year and just got a job on a tug boat which is on the Mississippi
    tonight and we miss him! Thinking of you Spence !


    1. Sorry MIssed this as went forward then back yes it’s special fo sure! Thank your son for his service for me 🙂


  6. Dave,
    Over the years I have found your true love for your fellow veteran military personnel to be outstanding and commendable. Without our troops out there, wherever they may be serving in peacetimes or in war, our nation is more secured. Your lifetime goal both in military service and in civilian life has been to try, in many ways, to promote the health and welfare of the veterans, be it active or retired, and their families. I have also found that you also are aware of the sacrifices and duties that our public servants endure i.e. Police, Fire, EMTs, etc; From one veteran to another; Merry Christmas to you and all who serve and protect. It is my prayer for the coming new year that our troops will be coming home to their families and that we continue to look for ways of peace and love.


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