10 thoughts on “WWII Begins

    1. Thanks Donna. These were the warships that could. In total, we beat our enemies, at great cost, and prevailed. Battleships are now history (last one built about 1944), but aircraft carriers and missile launching destroyers are now a priority.


        1. Thanks Bill. Perhaps I should have been more clear about the type of warship the Beatty was. Battleships were phased out as newer technology made them vulnerable, and they were usually named after states.


  1. We declared war on the Empire of Japan on December 8th, and then Germany and Italy declared war on the US. This is the USS Beatty, named after Admiral Frank Beatty. It was the 2nd Beatty, the first Beatty was torpedoed and sunk in 1943. She visited Gloucester in the early 1950’s.


    1. For the US, Congress declared war on Japan at the request of President Roosevelt on December 8th, 1941. Germany and Italy declared war on us shortly thereafter. Prior to that, we were trying to stay out of the war in Europe. That’s my understanding of our WWII timeline. I never object to being corrected – that’s how I learn. Thanks for your input my friend!


      1. Nice catch. A single letter and it loses all connection to actual nits. When I typed it that was not a typo I was thinking of knit pickers. It didn’t make any sense but that never stopped me before.


  2. Fred -This one saw action this way in east Sea -TF 77 for patrol and blockade duty off the east coast of Korea did allot of shelling shore bombardments of Wonsan, Chongjin, Songjin, Tanchon at Wonsan. And the The Chosin Reservoir Campaign: Frozen Chosin. I left the youtube link off pretty graphic.


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