Proof of the goodness within us all

If you’re wondering where to find proof of the goodness deep within us all; proof that the human spirit shines through the darkness; look no farther than your own heart.  Recall how you felt when you heard, yesterday, that Nelson Mandela is dead.  You can’t quite put your finger on it, can you?  It’s just a hole in your heart.

Nearly every world leader from politicians to tycoons to top artists in every field jumped into social media within minutes of hearing the news to laud Mandela as one of the greatest people who ever lived.

Hundreds gathered, in the middle of the night, outside Mandela’s home to pay their respects to the icon of peace and reconciliation.

Every one of us can recognize goodness when we see it.  That’s the proof.

FOB Greg Bover chose a wonderful, inspiring quote from Nelson Mandela this past June.  Check out that post and resolve that today, as you mourn the passing of perhaps the greatest man, with whom you had the honor to share this planet, you will no longer settle for “a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

4 thoughts on “Proof of the goodness within us all

  1. Thanks for this post. I’ve been listening to the BBC non-stop, very interesting stories, some of which I wasn’t aware of. When I heard the news last night, it immediately brought me back to Feb 1990, I was living and working at a hotel in London, along with many South Africans, I’ll never forget celebrating with them in the streets when Mandela was freed. Amazing times to be a part of, it was magical the fall of ’89 and the winter of ’90, so many monumental events in the name of freedom and democracy, I was blessed to witness many of them firsthand like the fall of the Berlin Wall which I think led directly to Mandela’s release, hard to believe these things existed in my lifetime, and I know we are far to go in this world, but we have come a long way in just the past few decades.


  2. Those of us who have been blessed to live in a time with men and women of true greatness should be humbled and honored, and pray have learned from their lessons so that humanity evolves.


  3. We indeed recognize the goodness that blazed in Mandela, just as we do see that same goodness in people like M.L. King, Jr. and in Jesus and the Buddha.The question is how to mobilize our own lives to exercise that same goodness that lurks beneath the surface of our own selves. If we could do that, humanity would evolve much more quickly.


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