Did You Know? (Mug Up)

This past Sunday’s mug up was amazingly well attended in spite of the deluge of rain we had?  Our beloved leader Joey C. was there, as was Ed Collard and his daughter Amy and her fiancé Adam, Paul and Kathy Frontiero, Paul and Sue Morrison (with Monkey Bread!), neighbor Wendie Demuth of Wendie Demuth Photography, Jane Paznik-Bondarin and Andrew Karlin – FOB’s from Manhattan, FOB Becky Wuenchell brought fruit salad, Donna and Ed Ardizonni, neighbor Stevie Black, Kim Smith looking very coy, Alecia’s guy Mike (sorry to ID you that way Mike, but I don’t know your last name) showed up in the rain on his Ducati motorcycle with canoli’s and éclairs (yummm), Adam Bolonsky and his gal Yvonne brought absolutely delish carrot cake, Pete and Joyce Chamberlain brought bagels with cream cheese and lox, and a bunch of other stuff that I neglected to connect with the bringers.  I’m sorry if I missed anyone.  Of course, my deviled eggs are always a big hit (and this time instead of exploding them on the stove, the refrigerator froze them; but they still turned out fine).  In other words, we had a bunch of awesome people, conversation, new and old friends and an abundance of really great food on beautiful Rocky Neck – what more could you ask for.  Next Mug Up is Sunday, August 14, 10:00 am, 77 Rocky Neck, G3.  Everyone is invited.

E.J. Lefavour


3 thoughts on “Did You Know? (Mug Up)

  1. I’m sorry not to see my own mug over there with yours! Thanks again for having given me such a warm welcome at the July 31st Mug Up.


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