Mary Kate Canavan’s 9th Grade Honors Class Poem Series- Kenneth Wheeler

Art isn’t just painting.  There are many ways people create and here I’d like to share some of the poems that Mary Kate Canavan sent in from her GHS 9th Grade Honors Class.

Kenneth Wheeler

Gloucester glooms
Peninsula like a cocoon
Fish drying, the smell of business
Seagulls squawk, church bells you can’t possibly miss
Hardworking citizens, but not all quite exactly equal at heart
Born elsewhere, but brought back soon right after, not to again depart
Watched as he left out the door, assured he would return again
Swiftly taken away against my will by dreadful, unfaithful men
Standing tall, with stance shaped like a C
Laid back’s the way to be
Fluctuating weather is unpredictable
Gloucester’s like copper; it’s easily conductible

~ Kenneth Wheeler

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