Jimmy T Survivor Casting Call Video Has Been Accepted

Jimmy T applied to be a contestant on Survivor and his video application has been accepted.  Read here-


Congratulations!  Your Survivor Casting Call video entitled “Gloucester Fisherman” has been accepted.

Please check back on February 22 to see if your video was selected as part of the final 10.
Click this link to view your video:  http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor/casting_call/video_player.php?vid=4164&playvid=yes

Forward this email to your friends and ask them to vote for your video or to enter their own.

Good Luck from CBS!

Won’t you check out Jimmy’s video and cast your vote for him?

Let’s help our boy get on and represent Gloucester.

Cathy Tarr instructs how to vote-

I registered at the CBS site – I thought that maybe you had to register to access voting. Normally I wouldn’t register and give up my email to a commercial site like that, but – not only is it a home boy, but how perfect would Jimmy be on Survivor?!

Anyway – I went to the rules and read the fine print. (http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor/casting_call/rules.php) A panel of judges picks the 10 finalists from this round, then the general public votes on the final 10, starting on February 22.

We have to wait until Monday to see if he made the Final 10. Good luck, Jimmy!

14 thoughts on “Jimmy T Survivor Casting Call Video Has Been Accepted

  1. I registered at the CBS site – I thought that maybe you had to register to access voting. Normally I wouldn’t register and give up my email to a commercial site like that, but – not only is it a home boy, but how perfect would Jimmy be on Survivor?!

    Anyway – I went to the rules and read the fine print. (http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor/casting_call/rules.php) A panel of judges picks the 10 finalists from this round, then the general public votes on the final 10, starting on February 22.

    We have to wait until Monday to see if he made the Final 10. Good luck, Jimmy!


  2. Today I went to look in on the video to see if there were any more comments after the piece in the Talk of the Times.

    Jimmy’s video is gone. I checked a few others and they all load fine. Technical glitch? Sabotage? Moved to another place on the site – like a finalists’ page?


  3. Jimmy T–

    I absolute love that you are going for a shot at survivor glory.

    I voted this am and wish you all the best in getting your shot at reality TV fame.




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