SailGloucester Update From Linn Parisi

TECLA photo- credit Nick Parisi
TECLA photo- credit Nick Parisi
Hi Joey,
We were going out on the Lannon again this afternoon to see ships underway towards Boston– but the ships decided to stay in port another day.
Just got a heads up from Kay w/ the Lannon that the Picton Castle may leave Gloucester under sail tomorrow morning between 6:30 and 7A.
The Europa sneaked in to the state pier after the Tecla came in last night.
One ship just left the harbor to go to Boston- not sure which, but we’re going down to check it out.
It’s all good!


for the SailGloucester News Feed click this text

below- the Tecla’s website. The ship is from the Netherlands

Chickity Check It! CACC Auction Online

As a member of the Board of Directors for the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce I wish I had more time to do more, but through GMG I hope to help in the best way possible and that is by highlighting some of the cooler items on the online Cape Ann Chamber Of Commerce Auction.  There are some incredible deals to be had by visiting the online auction and the night of the live auction is always a blast.  You can really score some cool things for often times fifty cents on the dollar.

I bought a stainless steel grill  for a couple hundy at last years auction.

The item I’d like to feature today is none other than a permanent link and feature about your business or website in the sidebar of these pages (GoodMorningGloucester)-  HUGE!

You can bid right now or check out how the bidding is going on this by clicking this link

click picture for Cape Ann Chamber Of Commerce Auction
click picture for Cape Ann Chamber Of Commerce Auction

Where Zat Answer-

DSC_1372 [640x480]

Whoa! Everyone got it right! Paul, humble as he is :),identified it first. Are you accepting the prize, Paul??

Here’s what people said-

capeannpainter:”Rockport Harbor either that or Lanes Cove. ;]”

Robert Blazewicz: “Location: Rockport, boat launch off of Mt Pleasent St, between T Wharf and Bearskin Neck looking toward Bearskin Neck and one of my grandparent’s Rockport residences, the squat one.” (Hey, this must be Jessica’s dad!)

capeannpainter: “I know where it is but I Ain’t saying.
It’s not Lane’s Cove. And it’s not in Gloucester.
Sharon will yell at me for winning another prize.”

Jade: “Is this in the little cove off of Bearskin Neck?”

Kelly Howard:”Hi! I know the location of “Where’s Zat” #30.
It is Rockport Harbor, along Bearskin Neck.”

Hedgie:”Dock Square Boat Ramp in Rockport looking toward Bearskin Neck.
Recognized Sharon watching the parade near Dock Square as we were marching by. Thanks for supporting Rockport!”

Dana:”That looks like a view from Rockport boat ramp at Dock Square looking toward Bearskin Neck”

Well that was fun! See you next week! —Sharon

Sail Gloucester Crew Party Interviews- The Picton Castle

Last night a party for the Crew of The Schooners In Port For SailGloucester was held at The Gloucester House.

Here are a few of the interviews with the crew from the Picton Castle-

click picture to view interviews
click picture to view interviews

Fisherman Tattoo Series- Adam Laiacano’s Man At The Wheel Fisherman’s Tattoo

Fisherman Tattoo, originally uploaded by adam.laiacano.

Done by Jen Clinch Guertin at Anchor Steam Tattoo, Newport RI. 2005
Thanks for submitting this Adam!

Schooner Thomas E Lannon

Video interviews with Tom and Kay Ellis from The Thomas E Lannon coming up ASAP

Insider Tip-

The Lannon Will be sailing all day Tuesday intercepting and weaving through the Tall Ships as they leave SailBoston to head North.  Call NOW to book!!!  It will be a real treat.

For more information check out the Thomas E Lannon website by clicking this text

or call Kay at 978-281-6634

SailGloucester posts

for now enjoy these-

Schooner Thomas E Lannon, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Schooner Thomas E Lannon
Schooner Thomas E Lannon
Tom Ellis Aboard His Schooner The Thomas E Lannon
Tom Ellis Aboard His Schooner The Thomas E Lannon
Kay Ellis- The Brains
Kay Ellis- The Brains
Schooner Thomas E Lannon Prepares For Full Moon Cruise
Schooner Thomas E Lannon Prepares For Full Moon Cruise