My Incredible Adventure- The Bounty

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We saw the Bounty off in the distance and Captain Amanda decided to meet up with her.

Here’s some interesting info from the Bounty website:

HMS Bounty…at one with the sea…global voyager…movie star…dedicated to preserving the fine art of square-rigged sailing.

Known for a maritime mutiny that took place over 200 years ago, Bounty remains famous and infamous. Thousands cross her ample decks during port visits wondering what life was like then and now. You know her from her modern movies as well. In 1960, it was Marlon Brando as Fletcher Christian in Mutiny on the Bounty. Today, it is Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean – Dead Man’s Chest.”

Read more hereDSC_1593 [640x480]

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My Incredible Adventure-The Working Coil and the Ballentine

From the beginning of the trip to the end, we were pulling, coiling, wrapping, knotting,  and tripping over ROPE (called line in sailing terminology). The crew taught us how to coil the line so it was out of the way but readily accessible.

Here’s Rick learning the Ballentine CoilDSC_1870 [640x480]

Click on Rick’s photo for video

And here’s  another video explaining the whole process.