From Emile Doucette- Daniel

From Emile Doucette:

“This weekend CoffeeBlack Productions, the team responsible for the Greasy Pole Documentary (, competed in the Boston Film Race. Teams are given a theme and surprise element (this year’s were RENT and A LIGHTBULB), and have just 24 hours to submit a completed short film (the film cannot exceed 3 1/2 minutes).
After 24 hours of hard work we completed our film, titled ‘Daniel’. The film, shot entirely in Gloucester, is something of a sequel to ‘Leonard’, our entry in last year’s film race (last year’s required elements were DATING and FLUFFING A PILLOW). ‘Leonard’ took home 5 awards last year, and we’re hoping to scoop up some awards with ‘Daniel’ this year.  I’ll probably write about the experience in more detail in the near future, but after staying up for 40+ hours, I need a break today.”

Links to the 2 films can be found below.



Joe Aiello and Donna Ardizzoni Ham It Up Before The Block Party

Donna stayed til the very end and was picking up trash through out the Block Party.  What a good egg.

Joe Aiello and Donna Ardizzoni Ham It Up Before The Block Party, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Barbara Koen At The Dress Code Celebrates Block Party In Her Own Way
Barbara Koen At The Dress Code Celebrates Block Party In Her Own Way

Early Evening Block Party Scene

I didn’t get too many pictures as I was setting up and running the media presentations but I know that David Cox will have a ton along with Sharon Lowe.  these give you and idea of the flow of people in the late afternoon.
Block Party Scene, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Block Party Scene
Block Party Scene

You gotta check this out!!

DSC_2665 [640x480] When Joey posted the interview with Dennis at Tessera Mosaic Studio, I knew right away that my 10 year old granddaughter, Kylie, would be interested. So last week we took a day off from the beach and went down to take a look.

Well, it’s become Kylie’s favorite place.  Talia and Abby are incredibly encouraging and do anything to help someone get started on a project. The prices are reasonable and there’s a huge selection of bases and materials to choose from.

After Kylie picked out her flower base, she gathered  glass,beads, and other pieces for the center. It takes a lot of planning and problem-solving to create the design you have in mind.

Ky placed the pieces on the base to get an idea where they would go. We took a picture as a guide and she removed them so she could apply the glue.DSC_2624 [640x480] By following the photo, she glued them into place. (Of course, with some minor changes!)

People walked in to the studio to check out the projects or just to chat.

It’s a great place to hang out. Lots of positive creative energy.

Dennis is working on a huge piece, bit by bit, for a local business.

DSC_2628 [640x480] The studio was packed for the Block Party. Young and old wanted to try their hand at creating a stepping stone or a flip-flop stone. Dennis and crew were busy mixing cement, filling molds, leveling off the pieces. Ally, Dennis’s daughter, was taking reservations!

DSC_2663Kylie’s mom and dad got into the act last night. Now they want to do their own creations!

To learn more about the word TESSERA, click here.

And to have a great time alone or with family or friends, visit the studio at 42 Main St. You’ll love it! Kylie and I will be there again tomorrow to finish up her pieces!



GMG Sign- Logo Design Beth Swan- Made By Frank Ciolino

Great FOB Frank Ciolino made this banner for us to put on the truck for the Block Party.  It is the award winning logo design by Beth Swan.  Beth is an incredible graphic/web media artist.  You can check out her site here-

GMG Sign- Logo Design Beth Swan- Made By Frank Ciolino, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Here the truck is set up on location to shoot the media presentations at the Block Party.

Thanks Everyone!

Block Party Kudos to Our BP Committee membersVickie and PeterVan Ness, Jackie Hardy, Erika Hansen, Linn Parisi, and Janice Lufkin Shea for working as the usual killer team to make things happen.

Special thanks to some unsung heros who also helped tremendously during the event- Erika Hansen’s husband Dave, Linn Parisi’s husband Nick, FOB Frank and Joey Ciolino, Rick Moore and Donna Ardizzone who walked the street at the end of the night picking up cigarette butts and trash along the way to leave the street in better shape than what we found it even after the huge number of people that turned out for the event.

Kathy Middleton, Mike Hale and Mark Cole for providing extra barrels  which cut down on the amount of trash which otherwise would have overflowed onto the sidewalks without the extra  barrels.

Thanks to all the GMG fans who stopped by to say hi and introduce yourselves and pick up stickers.  Don’t forget to send in those Gloucester Sticker pics for posting on these pages!

Thanks to Joe Aiello and Miles Schlicte for working with the merchants and restaurants to insure that all of the requirements of the special permits were met.

Thanks to the entertainers-musicians, dancers, DJs and media presenters.  thanks to Jay Albert and Steve B for helping to set up the media presentations along with Frank and Joey Ciolino.

Thanks to the local artists who helped fill the street with their incredible art.

Thanks to  Blackburn Performing Arts and Elliotts at the Blackburn for providing the space and electricity for the bands in the West End.

Nancy Goodman and Jim Gudstadt who helped the bands set up.

Thanks to seARTS and Kat Valentine for sending out the word to the local art community via the seARTS newsblast.

Thanks to the merchants for staying open and welcoming people to Gloucester.

Thanks to Charlee Bianchini from the Beacon and Ray Lamont from the Times for helping us get the word out.  Also the Chamber of Commerce for putting it in their weekly newsletter.

Thanks to Ambie and son for the fantastic sausage sandwich at teh end of teh night when I thought I was gonna drop.

Thanks to Rockport National Bank for sponsoring the flyers and Rick Moore and Donna Ardizzoni for sponsoring the banners.

Thanks to Ringo Tarr for lighting and Steve Noble who is always willing to help out.

Thanks to the licensing boards and the board of health and Mayors office  for getting behind the event.

I don’t get political on these pages but I would just like to say that when it comes time for elections that my friend and Block Party Committe member Jackie Hardy deserves your vote.

She works tirelessly and without agenda for the betterment of our community.  Without her guidance as far as regulations and knowing how to go about things the event probably wouldn’t be as successful as it is.

If I forgot anyone I’m terribly sorry.  I’m at work with three and a half hours sleep.

video coming at 8am

Part of The Block Party Clean Up Crew
Part of The Block Party Clean Up Crew- Nick Parisi, Janice Lufkin Shea, Dave (Erika's Husband) Linn Parisi, and Frank Ciolino- Not pictured- Ed Collard, Vickie Van Ness, Erika Hansen, Donna Ardizzoni and Rick Moore.
Downtown Streets Cleaned After Block Party
Downtown Streets Cleaned After Block Party
Thanks to everyone who helped with the clean up
Thanks to everyone who helped with the clean up